Video at risk
Run was completed on an Everdrive NB and a RGB modded front loader NES. Found this game yesterday while browsing my Everdrive, and the name piqued my Interest, so I had to play it and check if there were speedruns for it. So decided to run it tonight. I really enjoy this game so I will come back to run single loop once I have accumulated enough Aaron PP. This run is dedicated to the theropods who managed to survive the great extinction event 65 mya to become the birds we know and love today. Without your guldance the existence of this game and life as we know it would not be possible.
Run was frametimed to 3973 frames from first blue screen to game over appearing for a time of 1:06.217
Also I propose that we change the timing of this category to frametime all runs to create a podium. This is supported by the original WR holder as well, Make me a mod and I will do all of the work to make it happen.