Run using Nestopia v1.4.4, with a Wii Guitar Hero guitar as the controller
- The strum bar controls left and right
- 1st fret is Up
- 2nd fret is A, (jump)
- 3rd fret is B, (punch, attack)
- 4th fret is Down (crouch)
- 5th fret is not used.
- Sprinting (and headbutting, with B) is done by double tapping the strum bar in one direction.
- Select is the wide Star Power button (switch characters) and Start is the tiny + button next to it
Now beaten legally without use of the 5-life code!
Terra Tubes always screwing me over, got a Rat Skip, died on Clinger Winger. Flubbed the Dark Queen fight so I had to redo it, but luckily still had a Continue.
I hit the start split super early in level 1 -- probably about +3 seconds. This is so I can get my hands properly on the frets to actually hit the Warp to Level 3.
I also hit the end split early --- it should be about 12 seconds later after Angelica and Pimple are on screen.
Using the video timer, the timer should start at 00:36, and Professor Bird's dialogue is visible at 37:33, or 36:57.
'SDA Timing: Starts when you gain control of the toad in level 1 and ends when you lose control after the Dark Queen fight (when the game cuts to Professor T. Bird's final dialogue). The wrong warp to the credits is not allowed.'
(Updated to Youtube video link due to Twitch Highlight Apocalypse in Feb 2025)