Bonus Targets
LevelFirst place
Green Challenge (Fire Drills)
First Red Challenge (Fire Drills)
Second Red Challenge (Fire Drills)
Third Red Challenge (Fire Drills)
First Blue Challenge (Fire Drills)
Second Blue Challenge (Fire Drills)
Third Blue Challenge (Fire Drills)
First Orange Challenge (Fire Drills)
Second Orange Challenge (Fire Drills)
Third Orange Challenge (Fire Drills)
First Purple Challenge (Fire Drills)
Second Purple Challenge (Fire Drills)
Third Purple Challenge (Fire Drills)
Course Of Fire: Gray (Fire Drills)
Circuit Training (Karts)
Kavala Chase (Karts)
Industrial Loop (Karts)
Negades Speedway (Karts)
Terminal Velocity (Karts)
Runway Lap (Helicopters)
Hillside Groove (Helicopters)
King Of The Hill (Helicopters)
Kiss The Ground (Helicopters)
Kart Delivery (Helicopters)
Down-Hill Rumble (IDAP)
Jungle Fever (IDAP)
Turbulence (IDAP)
Life In Danger (IDAP)
Off Road Excavation (IDAP)
Weasel Run (Tanks)
Shipping And Handling (Tanks)
Hammer Time (Tanks)
Reality Check (Prologue)
Common Denominator (Prologue)
Rising Tensions (Prologue)
Damage Control (Prologue)
Draw-Down 2035 (Survive)
Situation Normal (Survive)
Blackfoot Dawn (Survive)
Death Valley (Survive)
Radio Silence (Survive)
Wet Work (Survive)
Crossing Paths (Survive)
Tipping Point (Survive)
Signal Lost (Adapt)
Common Enemy (Adapt)
Bomos (Adapt)
Supply Network (Adapt)
Exit Strategy (Adapt)
Bingo Fuel (Adapt)
Breaking Even (Adapt)
Within Reach (Adapt)
Attention Deficit (Adapt)
Beyond Recognition (Adapt)
New Dawn (Win)
Resurgent West (Win)
Air Superiority (Win)
Moral Fiber (Win)
Preventive Diplomacy (Win)
Paradise Found (Win)
Game Over (Win)
Status Quo (Win)
Keystone (Apex Protocol)
Warm Welcome (Apex Protocol)
Firestarter (Apex Protocol)
Heart Of Darkness (Apex Protocol)
Extraction (Apex Protocol)
Apex Protocol (Apex Protocol)
End Game (Apex Protocol)
The Brother (Remnants Of War)
First Oreokastro (Remnants Of War)
The Peacekeeper (Remnants Of War)
Second Oreokastro (Remnants Of War)
The Guerilla (Remnants Of War)
Third Oreokastro (Remnants Of War)
The Redacted (Remnants Of War)
Fourth Oreokastro (Remnants Of War)
The Survivor (Remnants Of War)
Fifth Oreokastro (Remnants Of War)
The Major (Remnants Of War)
Sixth Oreokastro (Remnants Of War)
No Reprieve (Beyond Hope)
Avenging Furies (Beyond Hope)
Fait Accompli (Stepping Stone)
Disintegration Point (Stepping Stone)
LZ Nowhere (Steel Pegasus)
Breaking Through (Steel Pegasus)
Final Strike (Steel Pegasus)
Infantry (Showcase)
SCUBA (Showcase)
Vehicles (Showcase)
Helicopters (Showcase)
Combined Arms (Showcase)
Commanding (Showcase)
Night (Showcase)
Supports (Showcase)
Tanks (Showcase)
Armed Assault (Showcase)
Drones (Showcase)
Gunships (Showcase)
NATO (Showcase)
CSAT (Showcase)
AAF (Showcase)
Fixed-Wings (Showcase)
Zeus (Showcase)
Sling-Loading (Showcase)
Firing From Vehicles (Showcase)
Marksmen (Showcase)
Endgame (Showcase)
VTOL (Showcase)
Fighter Jets (Showcase)
IDAP Demo (Showcase)
Laws of War - Non-Combatants (Showcase)
Laws of War - Mines (Showcase)
Laws of War - Strikes (Showcase)
Laws of War - All VR Simulations (Showcase)
Tank Destroyers (Showcase)
Cultural Property (Showcase)
Game stats
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Moderation Changeover

Hi there!

I'm Dan, frequent speedrunners of this game won't have heard of me because I've only done a couple of Arma runs before ':D, if you're on the Discord server, you'll likely know that 23Banzaj is resigning from (most if not all of) their sr.c mod positions, and I've offered to take up Arma 3

1 year ago