Western Australia, Australiamrmutantduck7 years ago

PAL is 50 hertz, NTSC is 60. So yeah, frame perfect is 1/50 rather than 1/60.

OmegaFallon المعجبون بهذا
Western Australia, Australiamrmutantduck7 years ago

Apart from the fact PAL runs at a lower framerate, yeah its the same.

Western Australia, Australiamrmutantduck7 years ago

Over a year later and finally a response :p

Thanks man, I no longer have interest in the game but I'll leave the thread here if anyone else is wondering.

موضوع: Grim Dawn
Western Australia, Australiamrmutantduck8 years ago

I didn't make the rules, but go for it buddy :D

موضوع: Clicker Heroes
Western Australia, Australiamrmutantduck8 years ago

Can you start an Omeet run from an Ascension or does it have to be a fresh file? Just wondering as I wanna do an Omeet run soon.

موضوع: Klonoa
Western Australia, Australiamrmutantduck8 years ago

Is there a Klonoa runners discord? If not, would people appreciate it if I made one?

موضوع: The Site
Western Australia, Australiamrmutantduck8 years ago

Thanks Kirk. I'll guess I wait for a response now...

YUMmy_Bacon5 المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: The Site
Western Australia, Australiamrmutantduck8 years ago

Can I have mod in Aladdin: Nasira's Revenge? The rules for the game are just bonkers. They banned an official version of the game as it is faster than emu which has (almost) the same loads. I already ranted about this in the game forum and a post here is necessary.

YUMmy_Bacon5 المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Grim Dawn
Western Australia, Australiamrmutantduck8 years ago

Hey, I just started routing this game and wondered if you (Indrek, the only mod) could add some level leader-boards for the separate acts or maybe add me as a mod so I could do it? Thanks in advance!

موضوع: Talk
Western Australia, Australiamrmutantduck8 years ago

I would like to be interviewed. I can talk about... um well. I guess maybe Mega Man X2 but I'm really rusty in that game.

Western Australia, Australiamrmutantduck8 years ago

How come the rules state no emulator yet many runs are done on emulator?

موضوع: Speedrunning
Western Australia, Australiamrmutantduck8 years ago

Pretty much any of the games I run (with the exception of a few.)

Western Australia, Australiamrmutantduck8 years ago

Sorry for late reply. Go ahead with PS4, anything used to run the game is fine.

Western Australia, Australiamrmutantduck8 years ago

Well, it turns out my laptop can't run OBS without either 1) Crashing or 2) Overheating the CPU so I'll do the actual first one when I my streaming/gaming PC comes back from repairs.

Western Australia, Australiamrmutantduck8 years ago

Hey guys, MrMutantDuck here!

Tonight I am hosting my first ever podcast-type thing on Twitch (twitch.tv/mrmutantduck), and still need guests to interview >.<

Would anyone like to do this? It will just be simple questions via Skype and chat interaction over footage of one of your speedruns!

If you want to join, just HMU on Skype (MrMutantDuck) and I'll get it ready! It will start around 630-7AM CST, and I would really like to not make a fool of myself!

Thanks In Advance!

Western Australia, Australiamrmutantduck8 years ago

Twitch Channel Link: http://twitch.tv/mrmutantduck

Games You Run: Adiboo, Toy Story 3, Bubsy 2, Grandia 3

Schedule: 2 time a week, usually on weekends or after school. If on weekends, about 3 hours. If after school, about an hour.

موضوع: Mute Crimson+
Western Australia, Australiamrmutantduck8 years ago

Can we add an IL leaderboard please? I'm too lazy to run the full game but I run World 1.

غير معروف
Western Australia, Australiamrmutantduck8 years ago


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تاريخ الانضمام
9 years ago
عبر الإنترنت
6 years ago
جولات سريعة
الألعاب المُجراة
Free Running 2
Free Running 2
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آخر سجل 8 years ago
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الألعاب المتابَعة
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