موضوع: Kirby: Star Allies
EnglandDemolition144 years ago

Important to note: This has been patched as of 4.0.0

موضوع: Kirby: Star Allies
EnglandDemolition144 years ago

In the part where it asks to give a video type in the link to your image

موضوع: Super Kirby Clash
EnglandDemolition144 years ago


Multiplayer would make a lot of the fights faster and eliminate a huge luck factor in the run

If you do finish a multiplayer run please say so and I'll add sub categories


Buying a Transaction during the run would completely change up the route and how the game is played

My idea for this would be to allow people to use the Nintendo Online Service to make a backup save right after they buy the 5k Gem Apples.

The issue for this would be that you would skip out the Hornhead fight in the run, but I find that preferable to having to pay £35 everytime

Best Ending:

This would go up to Aeon Hero (Light)

I did not add it as I feel people would not be interested in it, As that's how Middle Categories usually are

I may add it as misc. if someone does a serious attempt (As in with an actual route)

TurtleRTA المعجبون بهذا
EnglandDemolition144 years ago

Look at the Arena WR, Shiro attacks Whispy in that 1 frame

EnglandDemolition144 years ago

For both Whispy Woods and Goriath, before they do their attack, there is a single frame where they take normal damage

EnglandDemolition144 years ago


BTW, Do you have a discord account? Perhaps asking questions on discord may be a better way of getting responses

EnglandDemolition144 years ago

While in the air, You do not need to hold any direction in order to use the Condor Head, you only need to be running

EnglandDemolition144 years ago

Let go of the d-pad when Condor Heading

EnglandDemolition144 years ago
  1. Roulette order, number of abilities it passes by is the same every time
  2. You have to keep mashing the home button. It's not consistent at all so I recommend learning the placement of Wing. When unpausing, just hold down the 2 Button
  3. Try again
EnglandDemolition144 years ago

Yeah the timing can be weird, You have to press 2 while he's falling. IF you just try to mash 2 it's not going to work

EnglandDemolition144 years ago

The way the mix works is that the entire roulette is randomized, Make sure to keep home buffering throughout the cycle. This is done in hopes that you land on wing. After the first cycle you should get a feeling for where wing is in the cycle relative to the other abilities, and you should try to time it based off of that.

If you're having far too much trouble mixing, You can skip the 1-1 mix and take Wing from the 1-4 Hal Room instead.

Jaro024 و kirbymastah تُحب هذا
موضوع: Kirby: Star Allies
EnglandDemolition144 years ago

Added a rule in Ultimate Choice where 1.0.0 is banned

This is because 1.0.0 freezes the In-Game Time during certain sections of the final boss

OddPandemonium المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Kirby: Star Allies
EnglandDemolition144 years ago

The Channel is dead as it is having an entire discord server is redundant

MrSlamz المعجبون بهذا
موضوع: Kirby: Star Allies
EnglandDemolition144 years ago

If you are looking for a beginner category I would suggest to anyone to run Meta Knight's Guest Star

Grinding it out is what made me good in the first place

موضوع: Kirby: Star Allies
EnglandDemolition144 years ago


AidanMse و MKCocoon تُحب هذا
EnglandDemolition144 years ago

Seeing as Cutter slows you down I can see this as being faster

EnglandDemolition144 years ago

Thinking about it

If you or Louis got wr without video, I would accept. But if someone I don't know got it, it could easily be cheated (Wiis are easy to hack now)

I agree with adding a video proof requirement (Only for KRTDL though)

Louis' run will stay

shirokirby المعجبون بهذا
EnglandDemolition144 years ago

I think it is fine that wr does not have video as for arenas in all games not everyone records their video and people will still consider it wr

The Japanese community all consider Louis' True Arena Time to be WR so I think it is fine

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