?Strats? -Any% - Things That Takes Time Doing, But Maybe Saves Time

Would Getting The DESTROYER Sniper Be Faster Than Not Getting It? You Have To Complete 10 FUCK"NG Convoys which really sucks! Depending On When You Get The Convoys You Could:

This Is What I Can Think Of Right Now (Not Thinking Too Much Of It)

Get The Racine Skip Easier A2M2


You Could Maybe Neutralize Defalts Car Before He Gets Too Far! A4M4 This Would Maybe Be Easier Than Using The Blockers!

United States

That would definitely not be worth it for any%. It would take at least 10 minutes to complete all of those convoys. We spend less that a minute getting the regular sniper rifle and the skills required (blockers, slow focus).

It might be worth it for other categories like 100% or all missions.


The Blockers Is Really Inconsistant For Me, Cause Maybe IDK The Exact-Consistent Way Of Doing It! But Ye! I Found Out That THE DESTROYER dosen`t work on Defaults Car Unfortunately!

But What Do You Mean By: "or all missions" Do You Mean The Side Missions!?

United Kingdom

He means "all missions." Every mission. Story and side.

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Runs on the leaderboard are now timed with loads removed. The autosplitter is recommended to be used if you are running on PC to obtain the time with loads removed. Console runs will also be split from PC now because of this.

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