Tom and Jerry: Frantic Antics! (Genesis/Mega Drive)?
9 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA

Hello, T+J community!

I was wondering if anybody had tried speedrunning the game Tom and Jerry: Frantic Antics! for Sega Genesis. I don't see it listed here, and I was thinking of giving it a shot.

It's a simple platformer - get from Point A to Point B. There are very few actual forks in the road, but most screens have a few different "routes" based on whether you run along the ground or on platforms above. I imagine routing would be about maximizing the amount of time you can stay at a sprint. Additionally, there is a co-op mode in which both players share one screen, so you have to stay within a screen of each other or else one of you can't move. I wonder whether there's a way to abuse death to cause zips.

There are a few other things I've noticed. Damage doesn't stop your momentum when you are jumping, ladders are kind of broken (though seemingly not in any useful ways), and you can trigger some events (e.g. wrecking balls in Level 2) if the screen passes over the trigger, not necessarily your sprite. Thus, not damage boosting per se, but choosing when to take damage, could yield some opportunity to optimize times.

Is the game too linear to be an interesting run? I don't own capture equipment at the moment so I don't even know what use I could be to the community, but do let me know if anyone decides to do a run! I am bad at games, so I'd love to see this one blazed through.

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