Full Game Released!
3 years ago
Oregon, USA

Really excited to play this weekend! Is there a timeline for the full game leaderboard to be live? I didn't know if there's going to be a waiting period or not.

RepentMF likes this
United Kingdom

Also interested in what OP said, planning to start doing some routing and such. Would love to know/gauge what other interest there is for this game!

RepentMF likes this
Oregon, USA

They're talking about it in the Transiruby / Kamiko discord now - link is on the SRC page. There's a channel for routing, they'll be opening up the boards soon.

Ramewle and RepentMF like this
Georgia, USA

Boards should be open on Thursday the 16th! Just gotta dot all my Ts and cross all my Is before I push the changes to the board! lol

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Posted 3 years ago
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