Is there any restriction about emu or the zone ?
5 years ago
Rhône-Alpes, France

Hey everyone

I played a lot illusion of gaia (illusion of time in my country :) ) when i was a kid and this game is still one of my favourite.

I would like to start speedrunning this game. Is there any restriction on the version to use ?

I used to play this on the french version, but it seems that all of the runs on the leaderboard are on the american version.

Thanks by advance, have a great day everyone.

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Hello SauceDallas93,

there's no restriction on using any of the available versions (language,PAL/NTSC) but I highly recommend using the USA-NTSC version. It's the fastest version. There's a tutorial from LeHulk from 4 years ago, it's rather out-dated, but there are still useful information in those videos. Other than that, LeHulk's PB has the most recent strats.

Good luck on learning!

SauceDallas93 likes this
Rhône-Alpes, France

Hello Z4T0X, thanks for the answers. Ok so i'm gonna use this version. Ok cool! So i will take a look at his videos, thanks! :)

Z4T0X likes this
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Good luck, have fun! Note that there is one very recent strat that my PB doesn't have: the new Pyramid Door 2 with Will. You may want to look at Mr. Freet's videos for that ;)

SauceDallas93 likes this
Rhône-Alpes, France

Ok thanks for the information, will take a look !

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