32 tracks category?
7 years ago
United States

Why does the 32 track category exist if the game comes with all the 48 tracks?


The current 32 Tracks category is merely a copy of the Wii U game's 32 Tracks category. That's it really.

Others have questioned this before on Discord, and, to be fair, it doesn't really make a lot of sense for Deluxe to have 32 Tracks locked to specific tracks. However, nothing has been done so far since there are lots of players who show interest in the current 32 Tracks category and there hasn't been a lot of motion in making changes to the category as it is.

Personally I feel that part of the reason why is that most communities treat Deluxe as the Wii U game for Switch, no more no less. To many people "32 Tracks" still refers to the original Nitro + Retro Tracks, while "DLC Tracks" is still used widely despite the DLC additions from Wii U technically not being new DLC in Deluxe specifically, and so on. So yeah, regarding terminology and stuff it's a mixed bag right now.

About the category, the idea I had about a month or so ago was to make a category for ANY 32 Tracks (with the fastest set of tracks being up to player's choice) while keeping the old category as "32 Tracks Wii U" or "32 Tracks Classic". Also considered having the old category become the new one, although that could end up pretty confusing for people who run 32 Tracks often suddenly facing rule changes...

Either way I probably wouldn't get rid of 32 Tracks as a whole because sometimes having the ability to race through a category that isn't too short or too long feels pretty nice, but that's just me. :P

Edited by the author 7 years ago