Invincibility Glitch on Endar Spire
2 years ago

Sorry guys, I’m a bit new to glitches in this game. I was just wondering if there was any in depth guide on how to get the invincibility glitch on the Endar Spire? I watched Lane’s video on it but something seems to go wrong every time. Something to do with the AMG.


You might have an easier time getting help if you joined the discord at

If you cannot however, could you link a video of you attempting the glitch here? We might be able to help from seeing your gameplay.

United States

DLZ into starboard section AMG on load in Close AMG during carth and open options menu from top right

  • carth’s cutscene is what strips the invincibility from you Make a hard save Quickload from trask open buffer AMG on load in Hotshot the hard save to the quicksave Repeat the DLZ Carth won’t trigger this time and you’ll keep the min1hp
United States

Second joining the discord we love helping ppl learn kotor and talking about the game / speedruns / glitches

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