I see the .asl file for the autosplitter, and in the advanced box it has all the levels etc, but when I load the into the game it does not start or split for me
Sometimes I have to open the game, then open Livesplit otherwise it doesn't work. Maybe that's the problem?
Didn't work either, I ran all the programs as administrator, deactivated then reactivated,uninstalled then reinstalled, messed with global hotkeys, made new splits and layouts, the funny thing is I had it working a couple days ago but then I used a cleaning program called "CCleaner" and after that it never worked.
I downloaded a no CD exe for the game, replaced my original game file, loaded it up and it started to work, I reset it to test again and it just stopped working. I'm really confused on why mine just doesn't work
sometimes when livesplit doesn't get as much CPU time as it wants then the autosplitter etc. stop working
I've got the exact same problem, and whenever I try to download or use a NoCD it says some dll file is missing and refuses to run
After a lot of consideration on many factors over the past couple of weeks, the mod team have decided that the best course of action is to allow the custom save file to skip the Bart 1, Apu, Bart 2 and Homer 2 cutscenes. This save file is banned in No Mission Warps, with the goal to maintain the sta