Question for Wanderer

I was about to do a run of this game but noticed that your loading s are much quicker so was just curious as to whether you have the game digitally? Cause I would assume that would have the fastest loads?


I’m considering to buy it digitally as I’m certain the loading times would be better but again that’s not 100% certain.

Further statement: To make the board a bit cleaner maybe have a tab called “any%” and within that tab you have Rookie, pro veteran and all difficulties. then you have “100%” and within that you have the difficulties again. I moderate other games and check this site on a regular basis for that reason so if you’d like me to be a moderator to setup what I have recommended or to be here to just Verify runs within a timely basis, I would be up for it. Thankyou

Edited by the author 5 years ago

Digital version is definitely faster - they removed the cutscenes for starters, and loads are of course going to be quicker.

UPDATE: Okay I don't think there's actually much difference, I believe the Disc version makes a temporary install and the loads aren't too much faster for Digital. That said the Digital version should have a small benefit of not having to load any cutscenes.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
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