7 years ago
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

In my opinion, there shouldn't be Any% Good/Evil Karma categories and just an Any% category. Because Any% means to complete a game as fast as possible without just following a single path. And I saw some people not following the rules. Such as SROVRSTRM. I watched his run and he played an Evil Karma mission when he is running an Any% Good Karma category. I complained about that for a second since the category itself says to play all Good Karma missions.. But then I though that this isn't actually cheating. He just did whatever he needed to do to beat the game as fast as possible! So I think we need to put all Any% Good/Evil Karma categories together on all inFAMOUS leaderboards and make a single Any% category. (Let alone the 100% categories.)

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

Yep, I agree (my {shitty} run does this too). But this has been raised before. The decision was that since the Karma paths have irrevocably separate final missions, they're kept separate as categories. Second Son's board used to be like this too, but the final mission in that game is exactly the same whether you're Good or Evil (only the cutscenes change).

Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

Also, if you're not on the Discord, may as well join. I'm about the only person who ever checks these forums :D

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Then let's add this to the rules: You don't need to play all [KarmaPath] missions but need to end the run on [KarmaEnding].

And remove this part: You need to select [KarmaPath] at the beggining of the game and must play all [KarmaPath] missions.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany


A quick little thing: Why are you moderating the game if you are not gonna watch the videos when people submit runs!? (Not trying to be a douche, just telling the truth.)

United States

i also like to go into forums and tell mods what rules to make for their games lmao. Then call them out for something that really isn't my business xd

Washington, USA
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

Hey now. Mods are not despots. They are part of the community same as all of us. Part of it -- not above it. They represent the community, not rule it. It's not "their games"

Gamecuber likes this
United States

lol came upon this thread of a guy saying that I was cheating in my run. Seeing as though you're already on the forum, you could have gone a few posts down and saw this thread that talked about this exact topic. I didn't get any answer against it so I submitted the run using the faster strat and it was accepted. After the run was already verified, the rule was changed a bit after (maybe 2-3 weeks later?) to specify all good karma missions, though now I see that there is a separate no karma specification category so the mods listened to your suggestion. Anyways, to answer your question, the reason why the mods accepted my run is because it didn't violate any rules that were in place at the time, simple as that.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
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