CPU Gods
3 years ago
Illinois, USA

What are the optimal/preferred gods for the CPUs to worship and why?

Texas, USA

Avoid: Teok - monsters benefits that deal more damage. Gor - the gargoyle monster can take additonal time to kill Qaahl - technically okay but starts the first duel with a bow which can be annoying as even if he doesnt kill you he can kill another AI which deprives you of 20 gold

Debatable: Gholoth - traps do more damage, which can make hardbots% more difficult, fine in the lower difficulties Odshan - if he spawns a slime it can be a minor time loss killing it, though its pretty rare in a run for him to even spawn a slime

Good: Murkan - no monster benefits and fine monsters S'hrim - no monster benefits and fine monsters Xophant - no monster benefits and fine monsters Glub - the best diety, no monster benefits and the glub fish gives more xp.

AI cant pick momot or chz.

The best setup is 3 glubfish as something special could happen if you get 3. In between floors if all ai's are glub fish then its likely that they will only spend time doing one evolution upgrade and not have the wrath for another, giving a decent time save.

I typically accept all in the good category + odshan.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
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United States
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

all hail glub

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