Add a category to see rejected speedrun and add more ranks to
Hong Kong
Any/All, They/Them, It/Its
1 year ago

Currently,to see rejected runs are very limited,not all of the games are possible,it would be good to add a catrgory to see rejected speedrun,however its basically unranked as rejected speedruns are not listed,it only have 4 buttons,sort oldest(by default),sort by latest,soet by fastest time and sort by slowest time. Also add more ranks such as advanced moderators,which allows to ban someone from speedrunning for violating the rules too much,rejecting speedrun without reason needed and more

Iowa, USA

You can see all the rejected runs if you are a mod for that game. Why would a normal user want to see rejected speedruns on a board? It would mainly be troll submissions and minor mistakes anyway.

Getting a role to ban people from should not be given out to regular users on the site. That creates a risk of big time mod abuse where the mod could just ban anyone they want for no reason. If you want someone banned, just find a solution with site staff.

Having the power to reject speedruns without a reason isn’t a good idea. Runners use the rejection reasons to know why their run was rejected and then fix that problem to get it verified.

Oh_my_gourdness, YUMmy_Bacon5 and 3 others like this
United States

I agree that not everyone should have banning power but everyone should be able to see rejected speedrun categories. Not submit runs, but to see the name and the rules for it.

Edited by the author 9 months ago
Oh_my_gourdness likes this