Add 2 players category ?
11 months ago
I would like to have your opinion on adding a "New Game 2-Players" category to the game. The second player would join the run at the end of the tutorial. I'm thinking of attempting this run in around ten days accompanied by my daughter.

I think adding it would be fine and would allow for some new ideas and strategies to be made. If there's editing to be done with the board might I also suggest splitting PC and Switch as there is a considerable difference in load times across a whole run which leaves console players at a disadvantage.

If the difference is significant it seems a good idea. Especially since the PC version seems difficult to obtain by legal means. Unless someone knows how to develop an auto splitter that doesn't count loading times and can be used on emulation or on switch. I admit I don't know anything about it

Just comparing the 3 runs on the board, both the PC load after hitting start at around 6 seconds before the black and white Bandai screen appears whilst my version on switch takes almost 20 seconds. If you then look at the load leaving the base for the first time the PC versions are around 4 seconds with the Switch being around 16.

As there are a lot of loads between each stage, this can easily add up to a lot of time saved. In my no continue/no base run there were 21 load screens, 1 being the initial loading and 20 stage loads. If you work out just the loading times using the above numbers, the Switch had 340 seconds of load or 5:40 with a PC run clocking in at 86 seconds or 1:26. There's a lot of RNG when it comes to items and fights which will affect everyone, but with the Switch already starting at a 14 second disadvantage and that number continuing to grow throughout the run I personally think a split would be best to encourage people to play on the platform of their choice in a balanced environment.


I am ok for the separation of the PC and Switch category. we will still wait a while to see if Pazuzu also wants to give us his opinion


Sorry for the late confirmation.

I'm using automatic translation to fill in the information, so I might say something strange, so please forgive me.

I agree with the introduction of a 2-player category, I hope you and your daughter enjoy this game.

As for the console thing, if it is better to categorize it, I think it is better to do so.

Also, I don't know the situation in other countries, but hasn't the PC version been released yet? Aren't the DLC characters released as well?

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Posted 11 months ago
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