5 years ago
Colorado, USA

so you modify to cheat the game. again regardless of a speed run website that's cheating and shouldn't count. I may as well mod a game to drop 2 items and then I beat his time. make them free and make me un-killable and pump up the stats to the characters for 1 hit kills since modding a game is ok for "legit" speedrun. Regardless of what the official site says, it doesn't make this impressive at all just a pathetic run

_Wig and scaz.zaf like this
California, USA

you should probably put the difficulty on the title, just sayin, i thought it was atleast mid-difficulty but overall, pretty good run

meeptoss likes this
Ohio, USA
He/Him, They/Them
5 years ago

what do you mean modify to cheat the game.

Drenthe, Netherlands

Gamers look at yourselfs when you got into gaming was it to use tricks & glitches to get the quickest time or in this case play the game to unlock an ability to let you do it faster if it was quickest speed run while doing the Story sure but no we got into games because they took you too a different world and yes play quicker cause your friend beat your time. Speed runners, pro gamers, microtransactions, loot boxes these are not gaming these are a plight on gaming

meeptoss likes this
Kentucky, USA

Not all spindraners are fasting

Furon and meeptoss like this
New Jersey, USA

A PB's a PB no matter how small, its wondrous it fundrous its thundrous for all! So throw up your hands and say "im the best" post on the forums, and beat on your chest. You're faster than ever, sit back and have fun, scream loudly and proudly "THAT WAS MY BEST RUN"

meeptoss likes this
New York City, NY, USA

You cheated not only the game, but yourself.

You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing.

You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained.

It's sad that you don't know the difference.

meeptoss likes this
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Vanilla runs in Gauntlet

Seeing as most everyone was for this change, the Gauntlet category will now accept runs performed on an unmodded version of the game. Using the mods is still allowed, with the Fogbound Lagoon stage now being optional - allowed, but not required.

Vanilla runs still submit their IGT from the results

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