Proposal to measure in milliseconds
2 years ago

Hey runners. The day has finally arrived. The day I set a record of a WR tie in NG+....

So, I'm thinking of changing the setting so that I can state the milliseconds time in future submissions, what do you think?

やあ走者諸君。 とうとうこの日が来てしまいました。 NG+でWRタイという記録を出す日が…。


一週間以内に異論が出なかった場合は設定を変えようと思います。 ご意見がありましたら返信をください。 (これ既存の記録ってどうなるんだろうな?)

Edited by the author 2 years ago
tekimichi and ErinT like this

A tie 😮

That sounds ok to me (but I would be very surprised if a tie ever happened again...). I'm not sure what happens to existing records - I think they would have to be updated manually. It might be easier to leave the older submissions as is and use milliseconds for future runs...

Or maybe it could be something like this where milliseconds are only required for runs under 2 hours:

tekimichi likes this

I agree with adding milliseconds when submitting. But I think it doesn't have to be a required input. Even in the famous game competing for milliseconds like Mario, only the top record display milliseconds. I think it's okay with what Erin says.

申請時にミリ秒を追加するのは賛成です。 でも、必須入力でなくてもいいかもしれないと思います。 ミリ秒を争っている有名なゲーム(マリオ)でも、上位記録しかミリ秒は表示していませんでした。 エリンさんのおっしゃっている感じでいいと思います。

ErinT likes this

Thank you both for your quick replies.

I think your suggestion to leave the existing ones as they are and require milliseconds for future submissions of records under 2 hours is a very good one. Then we may need to change the runs that we have been letting through unconditionally to require verification.


  1. Turn on "Times in milliseconds"
  2. Add a statement in the Rules field that milliseconds are required for less than 2 hours (3. Turn on "Runs require verification")


既存のものはそのままで、今後2時間未満の記録を提出する際にはミリ秒を必要とする、という提案はとても良いものと思います。 そうなると、今まで無条件に通していた走りを検証が必要なように変更する必要があるかもしれないですね。


  1. "Times in milliseconds"をONにする
  2. Rules欄に2時間未満はミリ秒必須の記載を追加 (3. "Runs require verification"をONにする)
ErinT and gaiwaredaikon like this

Sorry, I turned on "Times in milliseconds" myself because I had a run to submit! But those changes sound good to me.

Edited by the author 2 years ago

OK!ありがとうございます! ルールの表記は私の方で追加しました。 承認については後からでも却下できるみたいだから設定しなくても問題ないかなと思いました。


Sorry I had another small suggestion for the rules. Would it be ok to add a rule to ban using turbo? Since so much of the speedrun is just skipping through text it would be an unfair advantage (eg in the Comet slime mold event which is all text, or in debates where it doesn't matter if you get frozen or not)

I don't have a turbo controller so I don't know how much of a difference it really makes but I think this is a common rule in VN speedruns...

Gnosia is quite a long speed run so even if you were only saving a few seconds per loop, it would add up to a big difference by the end.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
tunasand likes this

I agree. Such suggestions are very helpful because the detailed rules are not yet in place for this speedrun.

I've tried the turbo controller before, but in the end I get the impression that it doesn't make sense unless I get lucky with the events. I sometimes failed to make the necessary choices when I wasn't used to it. Like Rakio's shower. Of course, if I engage well, I'm sure I'll get a good record. ...Maybe I'll try again next time.


I have tried it. In conclusion, I agree that it should be prohibited in the rules beforehand.

Using the turbo did make LOOP1 2-3 seconds faster, so in theory there is an advantage to using the turbo. However, using turbo may not make it easier to get under 2 hours.

I think it's great for practice because it reduces wear and tear on the right hand. Take care of your body.

tunasand and ErinT like this

Thanks for testing, I watched the run after work. I thought it would make a bigger difference but I agree it's better to ban it. I updated the "game rules" section with some basic rules, feel free to modify these if you can think of anything else to add.

I also included a rule to ban Switch/PS Vita emulators, I don't know much about emulators so I'm not sure if this would really be an issue but it seems best to do the runs on the original consoles...

Yoshitaka and tunasand like this
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