Old any% is no longer doable -
6 years ago

Hey I have version 1.02 on PS4, and wondered why the old any% catagory isn't active? Thanks for the help.


I guess the better worded question is... is 1.02 the version that the skip is deemed undoable?

Pennsylvania, USA

I thought the glitch wasn't possible on the newest version of the game. How did a glitch run just get world record in the NEW ANY% category? Didn't we determine that glitch was only possible on older version of the game?


Hey Droogie4Ever, I searched for the speedrun, and at first didn't notice the old/new separate categories.

I watched a couple runs, then tried the skip myself. Only then did I see that there was both old AND new any% runs. So I was confused as well. I'm not sure if the skip works exactly the same in both versions or not as I never ran it unpatched. It does however seem very random to me if it works or not on v1.02. I submitted the run to the new any% as it follows the new any% timing and rules.

Pennsylvania, USA

Yeah but I thought the entire point of creating the new any% was to keep that specific glitch (which wasn't supposed to be possible anymore) on the old any%. Otherwise, it was completely pointless to separate the categories.

And if we're leaving that glitch on main leaderboard then we need to at least add a glitchless category to separate the times.

Pennsylvania, USA

And yeah, I know it says "any glitch/skip can be used" for the new any% but since that specific glitch takes SO much time off we really need to have some separation here. The entire problem that we all thought was solved by creating a new category now seems to have reappeared.


I don't disagree with what you've said I was just answering your question. I would suggest reinstating any% as an active board, re-time those runs to follow the new timer rules, and add my run to that board. and having 'Any% no major skips' as a separate category.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Droogie4Ever and Mattmatt like this

Wouldnt it be easier to re-time your run to the old timer rules so then you only have to re-time one run and not six? Also isnt it just that the skip doesnt work on the PC version of the game?


Hey IGoSlow, I'm not a mod or anything. Just making a suggestion. Whatever is decided isn't up to me. I also have no idea if it works on PC or not. But it seems that unfortunately, it wasn't tested thoroughly before creating a new board. Timing runs the old way or the new way, like I said I'm not a mod so it doesn't really matter to me. But having active boards with different categories, where the timer starts over a minute apart from each other didn't make sense to me. That's why I suggested it that way. Re-timing 6 three minute runs didn't seem like it'd be too daunting a task. But either way. Anyway, hope it all works out!

Edited by the author 5 years ago

Alright, let's clean up the LeaderBoards. I'd like to ask what people think of this suggestion: Categories: Any% PC, Any% PS4, and the 100% and All Radios as normal. All the old runs are PS4 and the big skip still works. So separating PC and PS4 to me seems like the best option.

The only other thing to consider is timing. Would we prefer the old way be reinstated, or with the newer way still going forward.

Im leaning towards the new way, as all the older runs can just be re-timed by adding the same exact amount to each run.

If you're reading this and have an opinion, let me know!

Pennsylvania, USA

Sorry I missed this back when you posted it but I'm ok with how you ended up setting it up.

Rockki likes this