There should be a category for the mix mode.
3 years ago

It would be even more challenging because it plays only on chance. But the problem is that people could cheat by choosing the specific categories to mix and not making the run completely random. So what are your views on it ? It could be a category extension.

(sorry I don't speak english)

Edited by the author 3 years ago
United States

its just not possible there are too many combinations for it ton be on the leaderboards


There are a solution that I propose in discord, but only for 2 modes combinations. Go into the discord and in the chat of modes requests (I dont remember the correct name) and go in the fixed messages... you will see my message, and if you liked, pls request to be add too (citing my solution), because we will have more chance to become this category real!

United States

If you really want this to become real, create a spreadsheet where people can post runs. If some blender categories get added to, people will want more to be added. Even just two mode combinations will result is 66 more categories.

United States
He/Him, They/Them
3 years ago

have people show they made it random in the run

Oh_my_gourdness likes this
United States

I made a spreadsheet to put in perspective how big this would be there are almost 6,000 combos, and i didnt even include blends of 4

Oh_my_gourdness and Frost20 like this
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

My suggestion is to just have it be entirely random, the only variable being how many gamemodes are combined in the run. This is a CE after all, right?

Oh_my_gourdness likes this
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

that or the mixer mode could be it's own board, but it will be very hard to convince the site mods to do that.

Oh_my_gourdness likes this

yeah we are not gonna do this sorry

Oh_my_gourdness and EthaN. like this
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New Category Extensions Ready

New Category Extensions are finally ready!

We currently have All Modes Speedruns, Level Editor Any%, and Combined Speedruns ready, as well as a full set of categories for Yarmiplay’s Chess Mode, which you can find in the mod loader.

Make sure to thoroughly read all of the rules for the new Cate

1 month ago
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