New categories for Infernal Hordes T8 - Council Bosses Kill (also für the coming T9, T10)?
19 days ago


I think it could be interesting to add these categories as speedruns here, wanna hear your thoughts :-)

Best wishes,


California, USA

I'm not sure how much room there is for skill expression in endgame categories -- because there will always be some build in each patch that can (essentially) one-shot endgame content. The duration and number of waves in hordes is fixed, so the variance between "elite" performances and merely "good" performances will be only a few seconds.

Additionally, I have concerns about any endgame category, because those with large audiences on twitch, YouTube, etc will be able to crowdsource substantially better gear (or boss mats to pursue GA mythics), and ordinary players will not be able to compete without those resources, or violations of the TOS in order to get such resources.

I don't think it's good for the concept of D4 as a speed game to promote categories that would have such systemic barriers to fair competition. As it stands right now, any D4 creator with thousands of live viewers has no advantage over an ordinary solo player in any of the listed categories, and I think it should stay that way.

If there is a category that I think would draw new interest and be fair to all players, it would be a levelling category.


Thank you for the elaborate response.

But I feel like since everyone who is able to clear endgame content, is already doing T7 and T8 Infernal Hordes for Materials collection -- and there being a competition for the fastest Council bosses clear would just be the cherry on top for those interested in perfecting their technique.

You are of course correct regarding the advantages the streamers have, gear wise. But how is it, that I am able to record a 12.08 second T8 Council bosses clear with my good-enough Sorcerer, and the fastest time from any other D4 player is ̶7̶ ̶s̶e̶c̶o̶n̶d̶s̶ ̶s̶l̶o̶w̶e̶r̶ ̶(̶f̶a̶s̶t̶e̶s̶t̶ ̶I̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶s̶e̶e̶n̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶j̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶b̶e̶l̶o̶w̶ ̶2̶0̶s̶)̶?

((edit: Just wrote with the streamer Mekuna, and he showed me his fastest time of around 14-15 seconds, which is still 2-3s slower than my time))

It is because I played and observed, experimented and optimized my strategy. There are techniques to get the three bosses to group up quickly, and also to kill them quicker.

And even if the difference between runs is only a few milliseconds: Why would that invalidate any speedrunning category?

There are many other games with levels that take a few seconds to complete, and there are still people competing in speedrunning those (eg. Half-Life 2: Lost Coast ;-P)

It also is a different thing to be able to contest a world record / compete to beat a world record, if you know you do not have to commit 2-3 hours for one levelling run, but instead can do an Infernal Hordes T8 in about 12-15 minutes...

I hope you reconsider your stance. But I will keep improving the WR and uploading my videos to Youtube regardless ;-)

Edited by the author 18 days ago
Newfoundland, Canada

Given the massive size of the update right around the corner it would unfair to make a new category right now since after the update it might become obsolete/unplayable