Any% (No OoB) Tournament Information (2021)
3 years ago
Georgia, USA

Hello everyone! The yearly Luigi's Mansion Any% (No OoB) tournament is back for the 6th year in a row! We are once again partnering with SpeedGaming and are grateful that they're hosting us after 4 years of doing so. There aren't too many changes to touch base on this year, as things are generally going to be the same as in years past, however there are some minor tweaks that I'll discuss.

For starters, this years tournament will NOT have an entry fee. Prior to last years tournament, all of our Luigi's Mansion tournaments were free to enter, but we experimented with a $3 entry fee last year, to give people more of an incentive to complete their matches. Ultimately this led to not many people entering and didn't really affect much as far as completing matches went. So, once again, this is a free to enter tournament!

For the past couple of years participants had to sign up through Matcherino in order to participate and stored everybody's entry fee. However, this year we won't be using Matcherino as there isn't really a point anymore, and I plan on putting forth a good majority of the prize pot myself. If anyone else would like to contribute and add to the prize pot, feel free to send me a message on Discord.

Once again we are calling on people with good knowledge and expertise to sign up for commentary for this years tournament. We've run into issues every year where we would have to do a match without any commentators as none were available at the time of the match, or people signed up and missed the match entirely without any warning. To prevent this from happening, we'll be implementing a 3-strike system. If you sign up for a match and miss it entirely without warning, you'll be given a strike. After 3 strikes, you'll be prohibited from commentating for the rest of the tournament. If you sign up to commentate a match and can't make it, please let somebody know so we can try to find a replacement in time. If you would like to commentate, send me a DM on Discord. SERIOUS REQUESTS ONLY!

Lastly, when you schedule your match please stay committed to the date and time you and your opponent have scheduled. If you need to reschedule, please let one of the admins and your opponent know. We don't need any more no shows this year. Only people playing on legitimate hardware will be allowed to compete (No Emulator, no USB, etc.) to give fairness to everyone else competing!

Listed below is a link to the Challonge bracket where you can sign up! You have until June 5th to register and the tournament will begin on June 10th. As in years past, this is a double elimination tournament and you will have one week to complete your match per round.


PolarLike, Jman__Games and 7 others like this
Ontario, Canada

First year entering the tourney let's goooo

California, USA

LFG! Super Hyped!!

HopelessImanity likes this
Ontario, Canada

is there a way to watch the tournament, by chance?

Connecticut, USA

Super pumped to play GL everyone ;)

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