pc ads
6 years ago

how can i run on pc with all these ads. Even if i have a perfect run it could be ruined by some ad. And i can't turn off the internet because it's online. If any of you guys can find a method to play offline or some way to not have ads I would really appreciate it.

California, USA

I'm not sure if it's what you're currently using, but the creators of Cut the Rope released a Google Chrome extension of the game that appears to be the full Web version. Since Chrome is Windows and Apple, that would be your best bet I think.


it doesn't have all the levels in each box it only has 12 and only 4 boxes

Edited by the author 6 years ago
California, USA

My bad, my advice would be to contact one of the other Web runners since I've never played the game on my computer.


Doesn't matter anymore from now on I'll run on the mobile version!

California, USA

Nice, I look forward to it!


i have to apologize in advance for the horrendous quality of the run's i'll submit o the mobile leaderboard and the freezing when i finish a level because i run on a very shitty android device and that's the only way my game will run in full speed. So yeah sorry!

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Oregon, USA

Wouldn't ad block work for a web game?

Edited by the author 6 years ago
United States
Super moderatorJBMagination
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
5 years ago

Yes. Web is made just for this extension. 12 levels.

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Low% is now available to run!

Hi everyone!

We decided in our discord community that we should have a Low%. This is the category in which you get the smallest number of stars in a box, in the fastest way possible.

To make it fair, we will add 1 hour to every single star that you collect in a level, and add it on top of your

2 years ago
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