Bluely's response is completely incorrect.
Time without loads is the time given by the rehydrated autosplitter, which is required to be used in any PC runs. You can activate it in livesplit once you select rehydrated as the game.
Here it is. The game is played but the LiveSplit is paused once the Loading... is on screen, meaning it will be shortened by just a few minutes, examples are: Spatula Warps, Taxi Warps, Entering a chamber whilst still being in the same level, Death, Some OOBs, Exiting The Main Boss Battles. For the other one, the LiveSplit is still playing even tho it is loading, Meaning it will be said few minutes long. if the user puts in a video and the livesplit is paused, the time with loads will be showed, if user does let the livesplit still play, then the time without load will be showed. idk im not smarter then maximum