Change timing rule
1 year ago
United States

Hello, I am KillIt, and I’d like to summon the mods, along with other top runners, to discuss how timing is done in Cities Skylines: II speedruns. The game rules state “The time starts once you place something, buy something or unlock something in your city until the objective is met.”

This rule, at least in the 1k category, is not being followed by any of the top runs that are verified.

The top 3 verified runs of Taisato’s 8m 58s, BillydyPan’s 8m 49s, and my 8m 33s, all have their timers start as soon as the map loads in (instantly), rather than when a road is first placed.

So in theory, all these runs need to be retimed to reflect the current ruleset, however, I put forward a motion that instead, the rules should be changed so that the timer starts when the map first appears on screen.

I have checked the any% world record too, and it also starts on when the map appears, rather than when he places the first object.

This means basically every notable run would require a retime to follow the game rules. I think changing the rules is a much better idea.

pRo9aMeR likes this

Yes let's change the rules to start the run on the first frame. Another reason is that the demands starts to increase the second the maps loads in.

pRo9aMeR likes this
Śląskie, Poland

yup that makes sense

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