New Time Attack glitch: Should it be legal?
1 year ago
Basse-Normandie, France


There is run pending since almost 2 weeks, which claims to be a new WR on Any% Bad Ending (on Steam version). In this run, you can see a brand new glitch being used, which takes place before timer starts. From what I understand, you go in the Time Attack mode, on level 8, you activate the first zone where you can change dimension, and you exit the level just after. Once you start the run on level 1, you spawn later than usual in the level, you are already on the last dimension, and on few levels after, you can still change dimension as much as you want (Like on the glitch used in Any% True Ending).

Since you are doing the glitch before the timer starts, I don't know what to do with that, since I can't find of another example of my knowledge of such glitch being legal in another speedrun community. That's why I'd like to know your opinion about this glitch, before I do anything with the run.

Here is the run if you want to take a look:


I've been thinking about this for a good while. I can't think of an answer either, it isn't cut and dry. By the current ruleset, it is technically legal, as the run does start at level 1 and end at level 7 and the use of glitches are allowed as seen in the float glitch as well as the statement of "No Restrictions". I do wish Eversion had more eyes so we could have more opinions, but regardless, Ferrante would like his record back, unofficial, or not.

Basse-Normandie, France

Oh I just saw you submitted a run :D Same for the other run, I'm gonna wait until we have more answers. You are right about the ruleset thing, but it's a special case here imo.

I'm not a runner of this game but I hope my opinion is still appreciated. The way I see it, setting up the glitch is part of the run because you gain an advantage by using it. Therefore, it should be included in the run time.

ALAKTORN likes this
Basse-Normandie, France

I re-read what you both said. I think you both advanced good arguments, and right now, I don't know what to do with that ^^' It would have helped to have a real community Discord, so we could have made a vote for that, but I'm not even sure the community is very active now, apart from you Ferrante, drq1_ and leo3po. Also, I don't think I would be the best to create a community Discord for this game anyway, but if anyone is motivated for that, feel free to do it, and I'll link it on this page once it will be done. For now, I'll leave both of your runs pending, since I'm not sure what to do as I said. I'm gonna be soon inactive during one week, so sorry in advance if I don't respond.


Eversion is one of those games where one person will submit a run every 6 months, and sometimes someone like myself or drq will come in who will just clean house cause wynaut. Definitely isn't worth making a community over since it's peak activity is years gone. But still fun to come back to every now and then. I'll come back to Eversion eventually, but I have other things to focus on.


I kinda feel the same way as Laika, I think the setup for the glitch not counting towards the speedrun time is questionable… I would probably vote for not allowing it.


I think allowing it, whilst counting setup time is a good idea.


I think the setup part should count too

Basse-Normandie, France

I finally read your posts. It seems you are agree we should count this setup in run's time. I'm gonna update the rules in consequence, and retime pending runs.

leo3po likes this
Basse-Normandie, France

Breaking news!

leo3po found a way to make Time Attack glitch viable, but setting it up in level 7 instead! New WR beat the previous one by exactly 6 seconds!

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