Can somebody explain 52 clip plz and ty
2 months ago
Alabama, USA

I want to see if it's possibly to do rta but if not i'd still like to know

California, USA

Which 52 clip? Can you be more specific? Is it the one used in rta runs or not? Because if it's the rta one, I can explain it.

Georgia, USA

Like the tas

California, USA

Oh, I'm not really an il guy, so I got no clue.

California, USA

But not even the 52 il record does the tas 52 strat I think

California, USA

I don’t think it’s even possible to do without tas

United States

Pretty much. Not much progress has been made to performing it rta

Alabama, USA

Yeah I'm talking about the tas even if not rta viable I would still like to know how it works.

New Jersey, USA

the clip below the bouncer requires something called cuwj

all I know

Alabama, USA

what does that stand for cancelled unlimited wall jump?

Alabama, USA

Does anyone know how to do this clip besides the person that tas'ed it?

United States

This video is on another glitch, but at the end it shows with keystrokes how to clip the floor into the flag, which is the same for 52 clip

Alabama, USA

alright is that rly how the tas completely clips through bc I wouldn't have thought that would be possible, not saying it isn't but that is just crazy.

United States

That is how the tas does 52 clip and yes it's as precise as it looks

Alabama, USA

Type but erm I got gless wr in 1.4.4 9:50.68 will see if I can submit that just letting y’all know lol

Alabama, USA

I now have done 52 clip at 0.02 speed ty guys lol

Alabama, USA

I did it by pressing left for a short amount of time somewhere while I'm falling down the wall and at a specific visual cue I pressed jump and then as soon as the uwj came out I pressed and held right and immediately dived/dove whatever you say and then pressed down to clip. I managed to get 2 5.6x times but idk if I or other people could do this specific method. I'll try to come up with a more rta viable method but for now this is what I have.

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