Retiming possibilities for different versions (Steam v.s. Ubisoft)
1 year ago

Did more research, its a hardware problem. Guess my laptop can't keep up with high end PCs. Following statements are obsolete.

Now I know that this would be difficult for completely different ports of this game, but both of these versions are on P.C. so I'm hoping a solution can be found easily. From what I have seen, the version coming from Steam and the one coming from Ubisoft (and other versions) use different FPS' and load times. [though its equally just as possible that my laptop cant run at the same speed of a high end pc]

Would there be any way for identifiable load times (Where the white rabbid symbol is on the screen) to be completely subtracted from all runs after they are submitted? It wouldn't have to be complex, just a set amount of time for each version. I really like this game but I have a hard time running it since I lose at least 15-30 just from load times.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Tennessee, USA

the 32 fps issue is something regarding the audio engine, this is listed on the pcgamingwiki page here which is able to be fixed:

we will not be retiming anything due to all versions being on the same board.

Ah ok, good to know.

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