IGT Recorded
6 years ago
United States

In the rules for submissions it says that the IGT is recorded whenever you trigger the cutscene upon returning to the start of the level. I'm just wondering if I were to collect the fragments and immediately kill myself, would that be legal for submission? The reason I ask is because the time is actually recorded at the time you collect the final fragment and returning to the start of the game doesn't contribute to the time recorded by the game. I'd really like to contribute to this game's speedrun community but need answers beforehand. (PB: 3:57 for now)

xJackieBx likes this
Utah, USA

getting killed simply after getting all the fragments won't give you a time and your time still does go up when returning to the start of the level.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Utah, USA

I can alter stuff around later if it must needs be, but for now, let's just use the rules set in place

Missouri, USA

So just to clarify, no death after grabbing 36 fragments to count as a valid run? This is a fun little game! Thanks!

Utah, USA

Correct, the game won't give you a time until you return back to the spawn point after grabbing all 36 fragments.

Missouri, USA

Okay so from what I can tell, the two runs submitted so far have been from ps4. I have been playing on switch and cannot get the extra jump nor am I locked into a direction at the ending cutscene. What should I do? Also, i got a 4:25 today but didn't record so yay but also sad. Thanks.

xJackieBx likes this
Utah, USA

that's interesting, I don't think the extra jump issue, is an issue as it doesn't actually give you any sort of horizontal or vertical increase in speed, there is really only one tile set that I use it on, but just simply changing your jumping pattern would allow you to traverse it in the same amount of time, if that makes any sense

as for the ending cutscene, when it doesn't lock you into a direction, does it lock your character in place instead? or can you move freely around as it plays?

Utah, USA

If the differences do in fact give one platform a definite edge over another, then I can make different categories for each platform. We'll see how it all plays out though

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Missouri, USA

I can move freely after the cutscene. i don't think the extra jump is that helpful or hindering. I have gotten faster times btw with dying straight after collecting the 36th fragment. I can understand wanting to go over to the beginning place to get the cutscene but it does seem inherently slower. Does the PS4 not display a timer if you die with 36 fragments?

Utah, USA

Unless an update has happened recently, no it doesn't, but I will check just to make sure

Utah, USA

@Vulcea not sure if you are still around, but dying after you get the 36th fragment is allowed, I didn't realize/was mistaken about the game giving you a time after that point. So if the old rule was a turn off for you maybe wanting to run this game then don't worry as it has now been changed to allow dying after you collect the last fragment. You no longer need to return all the way back to the start.

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