3 years ago


I'd like to share something that I found a few days ago and that I currently keep exploring. I've never seen the use of it in the runs, so this might be a new thing.

Basically, there's a built-in way to save character's position on PC version. You can do it simply by pressing the number keys. If you press, say, 1 for the first time during any level, that would save your current XYZ position. If you press 1 again, that would put, or in other words, teleport the character back to the saved position. You can't save a new position on the previously used number key, though.

Here're massive skips/timesaves that can be done during the run:

  1. The Town, Research skip - saves ~6 minutes.

You end up near the area where you get the jetpack fuel for the first time, but everything is unloaded. In order to fix that, you have to come back to the closest checkpoint and then complete the level normally.

  1. Green Lands skip - saves ~2 minutes.

Save the position at the very beginning of The Town chapter and then use the same button at the very beginning of Green Lands to get to the final portal. The problem is that you spawn high up in the air and have to save your position with another button just before you die from a hard fall.

  1. Dead Forest skip - saves ~6 minutes.

This one skips the entire Dead Forest chapter. You end up in oob, so you have to reload last checkpoint.

  1. Ancients skip - saves ~3 minutes.

You have to get jetpack fuel in the Crater to be able to complete the Abyss chapter.

I don't see why this technique shouldn't be allowed in runs, but that's up to Moderators to make the decision. If it's allowed, then Any% category should have PC and Console subcategories, as you probably can't do the trick on console.


Edited by the author 3 years ago
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