Why isn't there a "No-Bake" section?
7 months ago
United States

No-Bake Cookies are something I love to make and I would love to run them, please consider adding a "No-Bake" section. :)

California, USA

Its Called Baking for a reasion

United States

100% completely fair lol but its still cooking tho, and i was just wondering because ive seen other people suggest different foods that you don't bake but instead cook yk

Maine, USA

I'm pretty open to addign new categories. I was thinking of a 3 tiered cake category.

All I ask is if you're interested in adding new categories.

  1. Come up with a list of ingredients and possible substitutes.
  2. Come up with a rule set that makes sense for a category. Try to make them as fair and inclusive as possible. Include timing requirements.
  3. Complete a run.
California, USA

@TheStrahl Make A Cake Should Be The Category Than Have Subcategorys For 1 tier 2 tier 3 tier cakes

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