How do I object a run, without being out of order?
4 years ago

Had a run denied for Any% SMS, was told it wouldn't be aknowledged due to the latency. Re-recorded, and have had a run beat me fully exposing the fact they use a feature in not available in the original game, why is this allowed?

Berlin, Germany

please contact our moderator for this game Greenalink, he is the professional for this. We cannot give information about this run since the other 3 only know the speedrun of the genesis / mega drive games


There's 3 types of mindsets to say the least. A) Those who doesn't accept turbo inputs at all even if the official re-release supports it, B ) Those who only accept turbo inputs if played on an official re-release. C) Those who use a 3rd party controller with turbo support regardless.

My run was done on the PS2 because it had turbo inputs on the jump button as a feature (meaning any controller including first party ones can pull off bunny hopping).

In the past years before 2010 there have been runs where Turbo inputs from emulated releases (Mega Man 3 on Xbox original) were accepted.

This game in particular can save a frame on screen transitions for executing frame perfect jumps (and muting the music along the way), save a good amount of time in the forest swamp segment, and less stressful execution on early ice segment.

I have made a new leaderboard since Turbo does make a difference in terms of strategy and moving my PS2 run to that board instead.

I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
chewdiggy likes this

No need to apologise, I was just wondering what the protocol was, just couldn't word it without sounding rude! Thanks Greenalink, appreciate it. I'll try the PS2 run soon, might be interesting!

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