Free Fall
4 months ago

Ok so, I found a glicth that freezes your game in Free Fall, and that makes alot of clouds spawn ontop of eachother. Making it so that you can die faster (for the die category) and survive longer (for the survive category). So, I wan't to know what time this run is. Since i didn't have control of my character in the beggining of the run, when does time start? Is it when I unfreeze or what?

Here is the video link:

Zanum, YUMmy_Bacon5, and LordParoah like this
Somerset, England

You posted this on the category extentions board rather than main game lol.

I'm not sure about the glitch, but I'd imagine the time starts at the normal time

The timer starts the frame after you tap on the "Play" or "Restart" button

Which is here from the rules

Zanum and LordParoah like this

I uploaded it to ce cause it would be more useful for die rather than other categories, although ive already seen that in the rules, i just wanted to confirm, because if you could abuse that you could get ridicoulsly low times

Edited by the author 4 months ago
Zanum, YUMmy_Bacon5, and LordParoah like this
Somerset, England

Yeah I don't think the start time would change when using this glitch. Maybe you could preform the glitch before pressing play?

The glitch itself is probably allowed in runs. Although a moderator should respond to this thread and say. @jensj56

Zanum and LordParoah like this
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The glitch itself is allowed since it uses the same idea as similar ones used in runs on the leaderboard, althought it isn't faster since the final time of the run is 15.433 (at 30 FPS) because, as Yummy_Bacon said, time starts on the first frame the play/restart button is pressed.

For the Survive category though it wouldn't be allowed once the game gets frozen and it would be a disadvantage with other runs which were done without glitches, specially because you could do it over and over instead of playing the mini-game itself.

Zanum, LordParoah and 2 others like this


Zanum, LordParoah, and YUMmy_Bacon5 like this