Fullgame% Timing
1 year ago
United States

Hello, everyone!

Before I start this off, I just want to say that this is NOT meant to accuse any player of cheating. Thanks!

Anyway, let me get to the point. I've been watching Micheal Chan's and Swskrei's fullgame% runs quite a bit, and I've realized that there is a large flaw in the timing of both speedruns. Neither of their timers start at the first frame of movement, which is the rule for fullgame%. I understand it is quite difficulty to exactly line up the timer with movement, and usually a millisecond or maybe even half of one wouldn't matter before, but with how competitive it is nowadays, I don't think we can let that slide.

Therefore, I propose that the mods can instead time the runs! This would make sure the timing is equal and fair for each runner, as well as removing any possibility of cheating. (Again, I am not accusing any runner of doing so!)

Of course, the final decision rests with the mods, but I would like to know what everyone thinks!

If you managed to read all that, you have my deepest gratitudes!

Edited by the author 1 year ago
DoubleSpratt, kanuburgetz and 2 others like this
United States


Thanks for the screenshot!

United States

The difference between the timer and the in-game timer can sometimes vary. For example, at one point in michael chan's run, the timer is a tenth of a second behind the in-game timer, but at other times its a little bit ahead. I agree that the mods should verify the runs, as someone could easily start the timer late or slow down the timer by a fraction of the original speed.

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Sir_Farcelot likes this
United States

Weird... it is very difficult to create a working timer on scratch, so it makes sense.

Anyway, thanks for agreement! Hopefully the mods will agree as well.

Swskrei likes this
United States

This would work! Hopefully this is used in the future for fullgame% :)

Sir_Farcelot likes this
United States

Agreed! It will be very useful :)


Man I use to timer in scratch RIP for me can the mods do the retime then

United States

I think this is a good idea because this game is starting to get very optimized.

Sir_Farcelot likes this
United States

Exactly my point!

Unfortunately, I don't know if the mods will end up retiming Swskrei's run, as it was edited on clipchamp... I could be wrong, though!

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Retiming Runs for Better Accuracy

I will retime at least the top three runs to the hundredth of a second for greater leaderboard accuracy. Additionally, a new indicator will be added next to each run to show whether it has been retimed. This will take a while to do, but I will eventually finish and might even move on to retiming eve

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