LevelFirst place
Blood: Breakout
Blood: Into the Caves
Blood: The Ottoman Fort
Blood: Temples of the Aztec
Blood: A Pirate's Help
Blood: Spanish Treasure Fleet
Blood: The Fountain of Youth?
Ice: Defend the Colony
Ice: Strange Alliances
Ice: The Rescue
Ice: The Seven Years' War
Ice: Respect
Ice: Warwick's Stronghold
Ice: Bring Down the Mountain
Steel: Race for the Rails
Steel: Hold the Fort
Steel: The Boneguard's Lair
Steel: The Lost Spanish Gold
Steel: Bolivar's Revolt
Steel: Journey Through the Andes
Steel: Last City of the Inca
Steel: Last Stand of the Boneguard
Fire: War Ceremony
Fire: The Rescue
Fire: Breed's Hill
Fire: Crossing the Delaware
Fire: Saragota
Fire: Valley Forge
Fire: The Battle of Morristown
Fire: The Battle of Yorktown
Shadow: The Bozeman Trail
Shadow: A Reckoning
Shadow: Claims
Shadow: Urgent News
Shadow: To Stop a War
Shadow: Trust
Shadow: Battle of the Greasy Grass
Japan: The Siege of Osaka
Japan: Uprising!
Japan: Clearing the Road
Japan: Last Stand at Fushimi
Japan: The Battle of Sekigahara
China: To Finish a Fleet
China: Storming the Beaches
China: Lost Ships
China: A Rescue in the Wilderness
China: No Empire Lasts Forever
India: Into the Punjab
India: Fires of Calcutta
India: Resist
India: Raid in Delhi
India: Company Confrontation
The Art of War: Early Economy
The Art of War: Treasures
The Art of War: Home City Shipments
The Art of War: Booming
The Art of War: The Build Orders
The Art of War: Early Defense
The Art of War: Early Offense
The Art of War: Land Battle
The Art of War: Naval Battle
The Art of War: Artillery
Historical Battles: Algiers
Historical Battles: Christopher Da Gama's Expedition
Historical Battles: Chuvash Cape
Historical Battles: Raid On The Caribbean
Historical Battles: Fort Duquesne
Historical Battles: Battle Of New Orleans
Historical Battles: The Battle Of The Three Kings
Historical Battles: Fall Of The Hausa
Historical Battles: The Era Of The Princes
Historical Battles: The Burning of USS Philadelphia
Historical Battles: Grito de Dolores
Historical Battles: Battle of Queenston Heights
Historical Battles Co-op: Algiers
Historical Battles Co-op: Christopher da Gama's Expedition
Historical Battles Co-op: Chuvash Cape
Historical Battles Co-op: Raid on the Caribbean
Historical Battles Co-op: Fort Duquesne
Historical Battles Co-op: Battle of New Orleans
Historical Battles Co-op: The Battle of the Three Kings
Historical Battles Co-op: Fall of the Hausa
Historical Battles Co-op: The Era of the Princes
Historical Battles Co-op: The Burning of USS Philadelphia
Historical Battles Co-op: Grito de Dolores
Historical Battles Co-op: Battle of Queenston Heights
Game stats
Recent runs
Level: Historical Battles: Raid On The Caribbean
Level: Historical Battles: Christopher Da Gama's Expedition
Level: Historical Battles Co-op: Chuvash Cape
Level: Historical Battles Co-op: Christopher da Gama's Expedition
Level: Historical Battles Co-op: Algiers
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