SwedenKungkobra7 years ago

Crashing is unfortunately a side effect from the duct taped mess of an engine bethesda made. Reload dashing is loading a lot of the map too quickly for the engine to handle sometimes and hence freezes. If you can find a mod that can prevent freezing, do let us know and I'll consider allowing use of it.

If your game crashes outright to desktop when menuing, it might be because you clicked enter twice to unequip your weapon. That is a known glitch and can be prevented by just tapping enter once.

SwedenKungkobra7 years ago

There is no autosplitter available for this game. There is only load removal available, splitting is done manually.

In case you're wondering how to actually set up livesplit, I threw together a 2 minute mspaint guide:

NoobSalmon likes this
thread: Fallout 3
SwedenKungkobra7 years ago

Alright then, gonna do a half-assed breakdown.

Vault 101 - Mostly good except for messing up a couple clips, and going for the stimpaks is obviously slow.

Walking - You spent a LOT of time getting speedcripple but I'm sure we're all aware of how awful that glitch can be. Optimizing your walking routes is also a pretty important part in the walking segment, dont sidestep or hesitate where you're going, try to learn the fastest route and memorize some points of reference.

Lamplight & Murder Pass - Aside from failing the airswim once and taking a lot of damage, can't see anything bad really.

Vault 87 - Doing the "Rock Boss" clip saves some time but it's alright not to learn it as a beginner, as it only saves a couple seconds. Learning the vault layout to prevent getting lost also helps a bunch. You're not doing anything exceptionally wrong, just needs more practice and become quicker, so you can skip all those hard saves :) If you don't like the clip out of the GECK room, check mine, rydous or some other runners PB, since there's a lot of different places to clip out.

Raven Rock - Good start, but the other side of the president door is much easier to clip through and if you fail it, it's usually faster to wait for the robots script to play out. The rest of Raven Rock was pretty good, there's a faster setup for the last clip but it can be pretty finicky. (Hold S, shift camera slightly left and qsql)

Ending - Vacuum clip gets to all uf us sometimes eh. Also can't see much wrong here aside from the obvious death, and placement from the numpad but that's all practice and building muscle memory.

You're up to a good start, and I hope you have fun continuing to run the game (I stopped having fun long ago, due to the psuedo-suicidal feel of jumping off a cliff hundreds of times). Just practice more I'd say. Look up other runners videos and see what they do, and learn the best walking route.

Jabo likes this
thread: Fallout 4
SwedenKungkobra7 years ago

interesting but useless eh?

caused by incorrect textures, or caused by SLI or some bullshit.

Jinjenia likes this
thread: Fallout 3
SwedenKungkobra7 years ago

This is a known (albeit very rare) occurance and there is unfortunately no known way of reproducing it.

SwedenKungkobra7 years ago

Simply don't use the mouse. Use the keyboard controls (UP arrow then ENTER) to quickly unequip. Note that clicking enter twice though will crash the game.

thread: Fallout 4
SwedenKungkobra7 years ago

Starting timer on 0 when getting out of freezer sounds like the best and least arbitrary solution to me.

havrd likes this
thread: Dishonored 2
SwedenKungkobra7 years ago

because very hard is not the fastest difficulty

FromDarkHell likes this
SwedenKungkobra7 years ago

Submission timeframe is more than enough in my opinion, and google docs paired with discord communication works nicely. Avalability issues doesn't really affect me since my schedule is rather flexible but pushing it back a bit might help some people.

Regarding games selection, there's honestly not that many shooters (that are good speedruns) that haven't already been in, and having the "totally-a-shooter" games might help filling out the schedule a bit.

Layouts are fine, not too cluttered and not too distracting.

Streaming to beam seemed to have more hiccups on the restreaming end than hitbox had, but I might remember wrong. Streaming to beam was fine (I didn't bother with the custom beam OBS-fork thing)

While I really like the marathon, doing it twice a year might be a bit too much eventually, there's only so many games and people who run them that will submit. I've got no suggestions regarding the channel itself, the hosting bot (or twitch feature now I guess) is fine.

I'd like to keep it donation free, comfier that way tbh.

thread: Dishonored 2
SwedenKungkobra7 years ago

If only old Samuel could see you now...

thread: Dishonored 2
SwedenKungkobra7 years ago

both are any% but has different sub-categories

run both my man

thread: Dishonored 2
SwedenKungkobra7 years ago

There is already a runner of this game. Please add his times to the leaderboard.

Joelnir likes this
thread: Fallout 4
SwedenKungkobra7 years ago

Nobody else wants to do this so I guess I'll do it.

Video of route (this is totally an intended ending)


Normal intro


Enter the "Change Appearance" tab then exit (gets you a pipboy)

Discover Sanctuary and then run south

Pick up the Buffout at the broken house

Discover the transit center then FT back to Sanctuary

Run East to Robots Disposal Facility

Pick up Fat Man, Fusion Core, Mini Nuke and Power Armor

FT to transit center then go to Nuka-World (kill guy)

PA clip the wall right in front of you

Run into the market and pick up supplies (Stims, Psycho, Med-X, Buffout, Frag Grenades, Nuka Cola Quantum and a Mini Nuke)

Speak with McKenzie Bridgeman to start the quest "Open Season"

Open pipboy and pick the Demolition Expert perk, then bind your weapons/chems

Run next to the Parlor and Dupe a Mini Nuke for the Fat Man (Have gun loaded, open a container, deposit all ammo. you now have no ammo on you but still one in the Fat Man)

Enter the Parlor and kill Mags/William (Doing these first because if you kill anyone else first, Mags will run out but William will remain inside) You'll need to pop psycho and toss two frags along with a nuke. Make sure you hit William with a frag to knock him out of his animation or else he will take no damage

Exit and dupe another Mini Nuke

Run to Fizztop Mountain and kill Nisha

Run back to kill Mason (pick up your Mini Nukes)

After killing Mason go back into the market

Kill the 4 raiders inside the market and then turn in the quest

Run to the power plant

Item hover up to the roof and push the button

Now you've totally beat the DLC!

If you're gonna complain about this not being the "real" ending then you can route raider questline yourself. I won't because settlements are the dumbest thing Bethesda ever created.

havrd and Mix like this
SwedenKungkobra7 years ago

if you strafe against a wall you will go slightly faster than normal walking speed, this would only be useful in vents though since normal sprinting is faster and seems almost infinite. Doing this on slopes slows you down.

SwedenKungkobra7 years ago

It's all personal preference, this is only a guide on how to fix it if you do not like it.

SwedenKungkobra7 years ago
  1. Go to the installation folder.
  2. Open Fallout_default.ini
  3. Find the section: [Controls]
  4. Add these lines:

fForegroundMouseAccelBase=0 fForegroundMouseAccelTop=0 fForegroundMouseBase=0 fForegroundMouseMult=0

If you for some reason are not playing on current steam patch, edit fallout.ini in the my documents/my games folder.

FallenRanger likes this
SwedenKungkobra7 years ago

If you or someone else suspects that your game might be running faster than it's supposed to (To be sure it's not make sure to cap framerate to 60 via a third party program such as Dxtory) you can perform these "Walking Tests"

I have 2 versions, one short and one long.

To set up a test file, do Doc Mitchell and right as you get out type the console command "tmm 1" for all map markers.

Fast travel to either Nellis Hangars for the short test or to Camp McCarran for the long test.

Short Walk:

Back up against the fence and line yourself up against the line in the runway. QS and QL whilst holding W (Start timer in load screen). Stop timer when you hit the barracks wall.

You should arrive around the 36 second mark.

Long Walk:

Back up in the corner and QS, line up camera along the road and walk until you hit the concrete block on the other side. (QL and hold W, start timer in load screen) Stop timer when you hit the concrete block.

You should arrive around the 1:37 mark.

thread: Fallout 4
SwedenKungkobra8 years ago

Video of route/a speedrun if anyone wants to do runs. Sorry for poor bitrate.

thread: Fallout 4
SwedenKungkobra8 years ago

This DLC is out and the basic route i've come up with so far is:

Start game as normal, intro and all that jazz (10 END, 4 CHR, 10 AGI) (Go into Change Appearance to get a pipboy)

When leaving vault start heading east towards robot disposal grounds (pick up fat man, mini nuke, fusion core)

Continue East, pick up a Day Tripper in the shack NW of Outpost Zimonja.

Continue East to Nakano Residence. It's in the far northeast corner of the map.

Run into the boathouse and get the tape in the safe (play it. key is in picture frame nearby)

Get the PA from nearby the disposal grounds and speak to Mr. Nakamo to begin the DLC quest.

Go to Far Harbor. When you gain control dump PA in middle of the town and run to Acadia. (Level up Action Boy and do some binds)

Speak to DiMA. (Or find 2 good clips to get to nakami early) (Level up 1 CHR/Solar Powered dunno yet)

Speak to Nakami then DiMA again (Pop Day Tripper and hope you get the check)

Exit Acadia and run towards Nucleus. Make a save outside the cave halfway there.

Run to the Nucleus and then to the Vim factory.

Fast Travel back to Far Harbor and grab PA.

Go to Nucleus and go into the back. You can PA clip into the wall and COC into the shortcut above.

Make your way to the terminal to start the exciting puzzle minigame. (2 Assaultrons will spawn in here, you will NOT survive without PA. The Fat Man would be used here I guess)

When you finish the first memory game, exit simulation and loadwarp into cave.

FT to Vim factory and get to the bottom to fetch Averys stuff. (Dunno if PA is worth bringing. PA can skip a Novice hacking terminal but it's slow to run with PA, though you can clip out to save backtracking) (Loadwarp would save time here too)

Exit Vim and FT to Far Harbor.

Speak with Allen Lee and show him evidence, then show Teddy the skull etc.

Tell Allen Lee to attack Acadia.

When attacking Acadia you need to get Nakami killed to trigger the final quest (Close to Home)

when quest triggers run away and FT to Commonwealth.

Speak with Mr. Nakomo to finish quest.

Route is rough and obviously not finalized, but this is a start I guess.

Other Notes:

Killing Nakami early would cut it down even more, but she is set to Essential in earlier quest states as far as I know.

SwedenKungkobra8 years ago

I'd like to remove the game Heroes Reborn: Gemini that somehow got past 2nd cuts. I haven't played it for months and I honestly forgot it was even submitted.

About Kungkobra
9 years ago
1 month ago
Games run
Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout: New Vegas
Last run 3 years ago
Fallout 3
Fallout 3
Last run 6 years ago
Fallout 4
Fallout 4
Last run 6 years ago
Dishonored 2
Dishonored 2
Last run 6 years ago
Gemini: Heroes Reborn
Gemini: Heroes Reborn
Last run 8 years ago
Last run 8 years ago
Last run 8 years ago
Games followed
Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout: New Vegas
Last visit 7 months ago
Gemini: Heroes Reborn
Gemini: Heroes Reborn
Last visit 3 years ago
Fallout 3
Fallout 3
Last visit 10 months ago
Fallout 4
Fallout 4
Last visit 1 year ago
Fallout 76
Fallout 76
Last visit 11 months ago
Fallout: New California
Fallout: New California
Last visit 11 months ago
Games moderated
Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout: New Vegas
Last action 10 months ago
Fallout 3
Fallout 3
Last action 1 year ago
Last action 6 years ago