What is Speedrunning?
What is Speedrunning?
Posted 2 years ago by

Speedrunning is when an individual attempts to beat part or all of a video game as quickly as possible. This can include individual levels, specific objectives, or unique limitations as decided by the community or player.

Speedrun.com is a toolset for building communities around speedrunning games. Game moderators can create leaderboards, post resources, and verify submissions by runners. Communities are able to come together to decide on specific rulesets for different categories that runners can then submit their runs to.

Speedrun.com also aims to highlight all facets of the speedrunning community. From marathons raising millions of dollars for charity to competitions and races to those who help route and find the game-changing glitches, the speedrunning ecosystem is robust and every contribution matters. Learn more about Speedrun.com on the About page.

Joining a speedrunning community doesn’t mean you have to become a runner or a game moderator, although those are definitely popular options. Users can support their communities with a variety of skills.

The best way to get involved is to find a game you’re passionate about and join the Discord listed on their Game Page. From there you can find the activities you are most excited about and discover how they can contribute to the community of your choice. Discord servers often include instructions on how to get started, as well as community members who can answer any questions you may have about the game.

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