No Additional Multibind Restrictions + Switch to IGT Timing
No Additional Multibind Restrictions + Switch to IGT Timing
Posted 7 months ago by

Alright folks, time for a very important wrap-up!

We've let the two polls sit for a while, and the results seem to be next-to-unanimous on both fronts. Thus, it seems pretty clear what we must do.

We will not enforce further restrictions to multi-binds. Anything you can arrange with the ingame settings (except Double Revolver) is fair game! Of course, this is subject to change in the future, but we'll address those problems as they come. Looking forward to see what you guys can really do.

Additionally, the leaderboard shall now accept IGT times and use them as their default. After toying around with some leaderboard settings it turns out we won't even have to change anything about the old runs- any submissions will use IGT if available! Any runs on patch 1.0.5951 and beyond should be edited to include IGT. Any runs before that will not, and must only use RTA instead. Staff will try to go back and edit any submissions in the last couple days, but if you could help on you guys' end by editing your pending submissions, that'd be neat.

Individual Level runs for Boss Battles and Tricky Treat fall in a bit of a weird area, however, as the ingame timer we have available when time stops only has one decimal. We will continue using RTA for these ILs, as it should hardly make a difference.

Snotty% runs also find themselves in a weird gray area. Given the less competitive nature of this leaderboard, we shall use IGT with rounded to the nearest tenth- the best that the ingame timer can currently provide. In the rare case more precision is ever needed, staff shall go back and count the frames for a more precise time.

With that said, this headache of a chapter is finally over. Thank you guys very much and have fun!

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Noise has arrived to the leaderboards

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2 months ago
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