Sex% Text Tutorial
Sex% Text Tutorial
更新済み 6 years ago 投稿者: Duchys

Hey, this is a basic Sex% tutorial by someone who doesn't even know how to play the game, so to get started.

Before running: -You will want to download the German voice files (they are ~1,7 faster than french) for FO4 which can be found here: -Get some programe to lock your FPS to 60(eg. Dxtory) -Set your livesplit to -3.5 seconds -You will want to stay in first person since 3rd person is slower

Entering the Vault: Create a male character, start your timer and run out of the bathroom to talk to Codsworth, then wait for the next line Codsworth says 2 seconds after the baby starts to cry, when you skip his line talk to Nora. Then wait at the door until Vault tech guy shows up(around 1:12) then spam 4 and choose your stats which will be as follows(4 Endurance, 10 Charisma, 10 Agility). After you confirm your stats close the doors and talk to Nora when she starts talking, then go to the baby and wait till Codsworth starts talking and the press E on him, and instantly press E on baby. Then spin the toy above the bed and when nora starts talking just spam 4, after ending that dialogue Codsworth will start calling you, so just stand at the door and spam E to open it, then walk to the living room and stand on the left side of the doors, around 1:43 will the door open and you will want to run out, turn right and jump over the fence to your neighbor and the jump over the fence on the way to the Vault 111. When at the officer spam E when you start saying "List", then start running and run up the rock on your way to the Vault.

Leaving the Vault: After elevator arrives go up the stairs, and jump over the fence near the end, and try to grab the suit as fast as possible so doctor doesn't get stuck far behind(He does that often on German voices). Then go to the end of the hall and stand at your pod and wait for the doctor to start talking, then talk to him back and turn to your pod and press E on it. Enjoy the intro. After your pod opens run out and open the first door and take the first to the right. Grab the melee weapon which is at the box where you clip at in Any%, then run back to the cones and grab the fallen one ( After you grab the cone you want to position at the pipe on your left ( After you position yourself just hold S and mash spacebar so if you don't get boosted high enough you still have chance of clipping to the second room with cones. After you drop to the second room you will want to pick a cone and drop it near the boxes so you can pick it up on your way after setting punchwarp on roaches. So after dropping the cone you will want to run to your right and run around the roach(around his head so he will get aggroed), then you will want to go back where you dropped the cone and jump on the boxes where the pistol ammo is ( and setup your punchwarp on roach (remember where you are looking at). After setting up the punch warp just grab the cone and jump on the engine(or what it even is) and clip in the left corner of the room. Then go to the elevator in the room you clipped to.

Running: When you run out, you will want to head to the Sanctuary go to the house on your right and trigger your punch on the cockroach which should be inside the house. After triggering the punchwarp you can hold keys to go to the South but the game will turn you to the side you were looking at when setting up the puchwarp, so if you were looking at N just hold S. After dropping on the ground you will want to run towards Goodneighbour, jump in to Goodneighbour just like in Any% run and after loading in the good neighbour you will want to run forward and turn left to the bar, before pressing E on the door pull out your melee weapon.

The moment you have been training for: Punch the first guy you see since he was hitting on Magnolia, after that you want to hide your weapon, so the others don't attack you. Then you want to jump down the stairs and talk to Magnolia and spam 2 and left arrow on your keyboard. If you were worthy of Magnolia the time ends on loading screen.

Update: You actually wanna upwarp on South because you will be under a building and will be coc'd to a good position.

Update 2: There is 1,5 seconds timesave by doing QS in Vault 111 and then while leaving the vault you change ur stats to 10 END and 10 AGI for longer sprint time, and then loadwarp on the doors to Magnolia. Wouldn't recommend doing this strat for beginners and people that don't hate their life.