My problems with this site
2 months ago
New South Wales, Australia

I used to use this site a lot and I mean A LOT. And I come back and my screen has approximately 38736 ads and I’m using all the bandwidth in Australia. Who the fuck thought this would be a good idea? A banner? sure, a banner when you scroll? fine but the FUCKING VIDEOS AND TWITCH STREAMS OH MY GOD. I know websites need to have a source of income but this? This is too much. Also I thought that games that were boosted had no ads. Then why when I go to Minecraft Java there are still ads. I don’t even care if this gets removed I just want to share my opinion. Yes I could get an ad block but… I’m on my phone so…. Yeah. Anyways like if you agree send this to the admins or something idk. Bye.

Act_, VyPr e 2 Altri ti piace questo

i block ads so ive forgotten they exist (you can use brave on your phone to block ads).

my problem with the site is that nowadays the forums are 90% bots so there is no reason to read the forums anymore

grnts, Zanum, e Tutterey ti piace questo

I thought that games that were boosted had no ads

I'm not sure how you got this impression, but no, that's not how it works. When you boost a game, 3 individual users (usually active runners of that game, sometimes followers, etc) are semi-randomly chosen and they don't get ads anywhere on the site for one month.

Disabling ads for everyone on a single game page sounds nice, but would certainly not make financial sense for the site owners at all.

grnts, Gaming_64 e 2 Altri ti piace questo

My problem with the ads is that the ads constantly reload every 30 seconds and my old crappy laptop lags a lot when using the site. Now it's just a force of habits to use an adblocker lol. Maybe the site fixed this issue in the meantime but I don't care enough to find out.

grnts, Gaming_64, e Tutterey ti piace questo
New South Wales, Australia

No comment

Utah, USA

Not to be that guy, but you can also remove ads by becoming a Supporter. I can't vouch for it since I haven't used it but is an option.

Gaming_64 piace questo
Massachusetts, USA

Or they can just use unintrusive ads for the mobile side of things, just a thought.

Gaming_64 piace questo
United States

@Ben_eXceL Paying $4 a month or $30 a year just to remove ads that are constantly getting in the way of being able to use the site just isn't fair. Just get a free ad-blocker to avoid 1. all of the inconvenient ads and 2. paying the site money to do so

Modificato da l'autore 1 month ago

The ads experience is brutal and they definitely need to work on it, but saying the subscription "isn't fair" is a bit silly. This service is provided to us for free, and running a website like this at this scale is not cheap. Whether it's worth it or not to you is a personal decision, but it's really not an unreasonable ask on their part.

The supporter tier also does more than just disable ads. I actually really like the profile features, though I admit I do wish it a bit more tangible overall.

Ben_eXceL piace questo
United States

I use this site enough that a $30 a year subscription is justified imo. Lump sum donations like in the past are nice too, but at least we get some features now instead of just a badge.


The one time donations were just not sustainable. The previous owner managed with them, but he had no employees and the userbase was much smaller back then. When the community started to really grow in 2020 there were major problems that he was not at all equipped to solve with the kind of revenue he had. I genuinely believe the site would not exist today if things hadn't changed (regardless of how you feel about the current state of things, SR.C fully shutting down would objectively be a massive blow for the entire community).

happycamper_ e Walgrey ti piace questo