Skips and timesavers
8 years ago

Not really a skip nor is it a timesaver, but its a pretty neat trick I found (idk if people have found it before, haven't been around for too long). Basically if you do the slide to fort hagen and you get dropped in water, get stuck somewhere or run out of fusion cores and need to exit your PA, you can kinda easily get into FH with a pistol. Not really useful, but it might come in handy for future routes where you dont use power armor, or you just cant get your power armor over there. Its really easy, and with little practise it can be done in a matter of seconds.

IzunaTan et j00lsn aime ceci

And now we dont need to waste time with the animations of power armor clipping, ty Jin aha


I remember trying to find a consistent clip with J00lsn to get rid of PA as early as possible, never found any, good job Jinjenia!


this V111 slide tends to work for me (might or might not work for you because its somewhat hardware dependant) some notes: 1 you should always hit quicksave before doing it (so if you die you can just continue the run normally with only losing like 5 seconds) 2 Wait a second before doing the slide, dont spam the gun when you get out of vault. IDK why but it works more consistently if you wait like 0,5-1 second after the HUD comes in (so that the camera can calm down and something, idk it just works better that way)

In the video i got launched way into the air on the last clip meaning i had to use some stimpaks. If you do the clip decently and not lose too much HP in the vault you're gonna be good after the slide (if it works like this).

The drawbacks are that you get a bit less xp with not discovering places, so you dont get 2 level ups after killing raiders (you can easily do perks inside sewer when you drop pipe pistol, or somewhere else before goodeneighbour. its best to do it before shopping since you run a small distance.) You also have to discover sanctuary later in the run, since you need it when doing teleporter/tenpines. Idk any ways to make it not take too much time other than run to it from v111 when going to talk to Preston.


So this was found a long time ago by Bubbles, but since I know people are wanting to include the V111 coverslide again, here's one that discovers sanctuary.


Yeah actually that was found by me, and it's not reset friendly. I mean that if you leave the game, the spot won't be as safe as it was before after the reboot.

Still a decent spot, but not 100% consistent.


oh ok, sorry Rydou, I should really not just assume who finds things aha

Georgia, USA

The other day, I was messing around with the rta route for this game, and discovered something that I could only pull off with a specific save, and haven't been able to pull off since. It starts off with a standard slide from v111, but instead of landing anywhere, you fall under the map, and land relatively close to green tech. I don't really know what I did prior to this, but I had at this for a few hours, and couldn't replicate it. I figured it's worth mentioning because this can be used to speed up the museum cutscene (getting molotovs in goodneighbor, and using it during the fight). Has anyone else experienced this?


Fallout 4 can be really weird and do stupid stuff. I too found that coversliding when out of bounds or under ground is much better than over ground, and will not deal any fall damage because it kind of respawns you right above you when under ground. Coversliding can sometimes throw you through objects, due to the area not being fully loaded (im not an expert so i dont fully know myself :D). If you are able to find a consistent setup to get under the ground, then it could really help the run, and if the setup is really good it can even remove PA alltogether due to no fall damage. You can keep looking, you might be onto something here.

Georgia, USA

Man, it's so weird. I've gotten it more 4 times since making that post, after countless hours replicating. I discovered it's partially caused by a speedup glitch caused by disabling v-sync, and having an FPS over 200 (absolute lowest settings), and flooding the game with commands + perfect placement (where you do the v111 coverslide in Bubble's latest run).

BUT, if pulled off, it saves, like, 2 minutes. You end up near Greentech, do the usual route, go to goodneighbor, get some molotovs, maybe some other fire power, do a coverslide from v111 (set up at goodneighbor) to the museum in power armor, then blamo, time saved.

But, as I said, it's difficult to pull off, and you can't do that speedup glitch while streaming or recording, unless you have a godly computer. If I figure it out, I'll make a video maybe.

Modifié par l'auteur 7 years ago

Well if its only possible by having high fps, it wouldn't be allowed for any% anyway, as the rules for any% state that fps must be limited to 60. It could be interesting to look at though, but yeah high fps always messes up the physics in havok based games.

Georgia, USA

I'm not too interested in any%. This would be more for a segmented run.


When you're inside the railroad and are running back to Tinker Tom after making the door save, when you activate the "Solve for N" line (you have to be close to Tinker Tom for it to activate) you can instantly load warp away. The quest will update when you load in after the load warp. I'm pretty certain it's skipping dialogue with loading zone (I believe it's used in Skyrim), so it can potentially work in other places of the run. Here it saves about 10 seconds. So in short: You don't need to wait for the quest update, as long as you trigger the "Solve for N" line, after which you can load warp away, or go through a door and get the quest update instantly.

Modifié par l'auteur 7 years ago
JshaKhajiit et j00lsn aime ceci

a bit faster shopping (dunno if anyone has found it before)


not really a huge timesaver, but might be something someone would want to know.


Just a few seconds

j00lsn aiment ceci
United States
He/Him, They/Them
7 years ago

Jinjenia aiment ceci
United States
He/Him, They/Them
7 years ago

Nothing major

EDIT: After doing a couple dozen runs with this strat, I think that it is actually slower than the normal way. The cutscene of the atomic bomb exploding begins pretty much when Nora steps onto the platform. This method causes for Nora to begin the animation of running onto the platform from farther away and/or at a later time. Use the normal method instead of this one.

Modifié par l'auteur 7 years ago
Jinjenia aiment ceci

a ton of strats thats not posted here (not chronological order, not all of them are used)

shoutouts to Brongle and Tomatoanus for their strats and videos ;)

Brongle aiment ceci