Feedback for the guide
9 years ago
Victoria, Australia
Super moderatorstoot
He/Him, They/Them
9 years ago It needs a lot of work, I know. Suggestions here would help, thanks. :)

South Carolina, USA

So I read over some of the guide and finally have some feed back. It's a good start so far. I think stills from the game with indicators of approximate locations to jump would be helpful, specifically for bridge and bullet hell sections. Bridge becomes so much easier when you know how to line it up. I'll look into making some stills later.

I also would like to note that tree entry can be done without triple jump. While I'm sure you know this, the guide currently makes it sound like triple jump is necessary for it to work.

As far as explaining specific tricks, I'm not exactly sure how to go about it. I think that those things can really only be taught with commentated video. The most helpful thing that could be put into the guide would be routes, individual screen routing, explanations of the different categories, and version differences between Steam and non-Steam. I'll try to help out where I can, but can only help so far since I only play the Steam version.

Victoria, Australia
Super moderatorstoot
He/Him, They/Them
9 years ago

Thanks ZZKer, I did notice the tree jump thing but I forgot to change it, thanks for the reminder. :)

I did realise halfway through that it would be much easier to get the point across in a video, and was about to delete it, but decided to press ahead anyway. I'll get to it soon, but I don't have very good internet at the moment so I can't upload anything.

South Carolina, USA

Just found out that the timer is going during the intro cut scene. My 21:26 watches it, with the finish time of the video being about 21:29 (3 seconds for initial menus). So yeah, never watch that cut scene. I thought I'd be classy by having it at the start of my run. Now I know I've been wasting close to 15 seconds per a run by watching it. :(

Victoria, Australia
Super moderatorstoot
He/Him, They/Them
9 years ago

Ouch. I would've pointed it out but I can't watch the full runs right now so I just flick through them. :/ I might add it to the guide

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