Weird out of bounds glitch in dlc, might work in regular game?
6 months ago
United States

Not sure if this is already known, but I was playing the chris redfield DLC and i was trying to tab out in Fullscreen Mode, and it kept switching to Windowed, and after i had kept switching between fullscreen mode and windowed like 8 times trying to get it to stay in fullscreen, when i settled on staying in borderless windowed i unpaused the game and i had glitched under the floor of where i was standing. I was in an elevator near the beginning and I dont know if this would work in the regular game, just thought it might be interesting to point out. Also when i was wandering around out of bounds a couple times it tried teleporting me back but it just teleported me out of bounds again but this time further down than i was initially

Edited by the author 6 months ago