8 years ago
South Australia, Australia

G'Day, I'm learning to run NG+ Extreme right now and it's going pretty well except for a couple of things:

  1. Watching Tylos' NG+ Extreme WR, it looks like there's a glitch at the first giant spirit in chap 6? What's that all about?

  2. Is there a strat for the 3 mecha-tanks in chapter 5 or do I just need to get good?

  3. How to do the third part of chapter 7 (with giant Korra)?


Early answer :D Can't answer the first one because i haven't learned it myself yet :p

For 2): Yes, it's literally just practice, no tricks unfortunately. All i can say is keep your water shield up at all times and use your fire when the mech is taking its distance, so that you don't have to deal with the rocks and projectiles.

For 3) The best way is to get the 3 mechs as close together as possible and then jump and ground punch. This punch has a ridiculously big range and can easily defeat the mechs in 4 or 5 times.

Washington, USA

-Sometimes if you set up air tornadoes before the giant spirit pops out of the ground, it spawns with 0 health.

-The best strat is to set the controller down and walk away. But in actuality, not really. I guess staying in the middle lane as much as possible to make dodging attacks easier. And like Xycon said, keep the water shield up. If mine goes down I always slow down and wait for it to recharge. I'd rather lose a couple seconds than restart the whole fight. And there are little things you'll develop just from playing it so often.

-There's a cool trick I like to do. If you remove the Chi Crystal once the fight begins, you keep the benefits of having max chi but the health penalty is removed. So you basically get double health for that fight. And then yeah, the jump + ground punch has great range and hits twice each time. Try to get some of the little dudes caught up in it, cause they'll drop health pretty often.

  1. Nothing more than what has already been said.

  2. Some things I noticed while doing runs :

  • When Mechs are doing Ice/rock block's attacks, you can use fire bending to destroy those blocks, but be very careful, because during the fight, Mechs sometimes take a bend and go to the right. When this happens, your fireballs are deflected, and you have high chances to have not enough dps to take all the blocks down, and get rekt consequently. So I recommend to get used to dodge these blocks without firebending.

  • When mechatank takes a bend and go to the right, just avoid the left lane the most possible. It's a very dangerous blind spot. By staying at middle or right lane when it happens, you still can see mech's arms at any moment, making you able to predict which block it will create.

  • Always about Ice/boulder part, if Naga takes too much time to finish her jumps, mastering jump + swipe attack helps a lot to reduce it.

  1. As Dolphin said, It's cool to replace Chi crystal by anything more useful for the fight (potions).

Just be careful when using ground punch. It's the most powerful attack, but when executed, you're unable to move during 1 or 2 seconds, making you very vulnerable against electric attack. So while jumping, if you see some lightnings, just replace ground punch by dodging instead.

Mechs are dangerous when they are about to hit, but when they do, they are less agressive during 1 or 2 seconds. That's very useful to smash them during this precise timing.

Edited by the author 8 years ago
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