United Statestomatoanus6 years ago

it doesnt need to be a category on the leaderboard for you to run it. if you think it sounds fun then do it.

sparkmark123, Jabo, and Shigatura like this
thread: Fallout 4
United Statestomatoanus6 years ago

dang. ok.

thread: Cuphead
United Statestomatoanus6 years ago

any% is what you call the bad ending because it is technically beating the game in the fastest possible method (siding with devil). you cant have simple for any% because you cant fight king dice with playing everything on simple. all bosses is the same thing as what you call bad ending because you have to beat every boss in the game to do it. if you look there are sub categories for each difficulty for this run. please look at the leaderboard.

thread: Fallout 4
United Statestomatoanus6 years ago

yeah we call this mikulocking. we don't 100% know the cause, but we think its linked to either doing the railroad/teleporter/institute splits. pretty much just keep practicing and overall youll get to the point where you dont get mikulocked and you get a nice juicy pb. dont look at a mikulock as a thrown away run, look at it as a run where you were able to practice everything and improve.

Dende likes this
thread: Fallout 4
United Statestomatoanus6 years ago

heres a youtube video explaining how to the aforementioned pause buffering, i dont think that itll be even applicable but definitely fun to mess around with. in my short time playing around with the game in this state i wasnt able to get the door open to leave the house after the whole news thing.

here are the save files:!pT5B3KyY!F1zS0Mp_KrOtXR3x6uXWS_Bz6uKMcjneQyO8XaJQ3Dw

thread: Fallout 4
United Statestomatoanus6 years ago

lines only advance when you pull up the pause menu. dont know how to recreate it, but would be fun to see how it affects unskippable dialogue lines.

United Statestomatoanus6 years ago

if you play on console, youll have to use a capture card, unless you use a webcam to capture your gameplay.

this is a fantastic video by GladJonas explaining how to record gameplay.

United Statestomatoanus6 years ago

theyve been moved to the level leaderboard section, all times are still posted there. the main hub of the page was really cluttered with them

United Statestomatoanus7 years ago

yeah you have to stay with the same team the whole time

Foetoid likes this
United Statestomatoanus7 years ago

Didn't know that was even a possibility. I think that it should probably be against the rules to pick up custom characters from other saves as that's similar to the whole thing of grinding outside of runs with using skillpoints that aren't earned in this gamemode.

United Statestomatoanus7 years ago

That's a really good point that I hadn't thought of. I think we should make the rules so that only default players are allowed for NBA Challenge, just to make it so that you can't just grind up a player to get a good time, and that it's essentially like starting a new NBA Challenge every time. Thanks for coming up with all these hypotheticals, it helps iron out the rules.

United Statestomatoanus7 years ago

For NBA Challenge, I think that custom teams should be allowed. Keep in mind though, that you don't have to face whatever team you're playing as when you do NBA Challenge, so you would have to play an extra game if you use a custom team.

For Be a Legend, we should probably change the rules to make it so the timer starts when you select "Create New Baller". I don't think that dev points earned outside of the gamemode should be allowed for raising stats before a run, now that you have brought that point up.

For timer, livesplit is what many runners use (including myself). It's really easy to setup and highly customizable if that's what you're into.

thread: Fallout 4
United Statestomatoanus7 years ago

Did a couple runs today, within three runs took my time down from ~1:15:00 to 58:35. With these initial strats, I think sub55 should be possible with a solid run.

thread: Fallout 4
United Statestomatoanus7 years ago

Here's a video detailing basic strats for every bobblehead. I'm sure theres many ways to speed up several of these but it's nice to have at least a base to build off of. According to Jinjenia, the conversation between Jack and Edward after we kill the raiders can be skipped by exiting and entering again.

thread: Fallout 4
United Statestomatoanus7 years ago

I've been routing one on and off, I'm definitely interested. I know that legoshyguy is also interested in doing an all bobbleheads route in Fallout 4 and would probably want to help. Plus I'm sure some other people who active with this game would be down to help here and there. So from here on I'll pretty much put all my notes so far about the route that I've put together.

There's a booblehead inside of the Museum of Freedom. There's two ways we can go about grabbing it. The first is the more simple, kill the raiders inside so that we have access to the room, grab the bobblehead. The second option is that we can clip into the room from the final staircase leading to the top floor. The problem is that we are then stuck in the room and would need to loadwarp out. We could do this to the mole rat den if we setup a save there earlier. The downside to the loadwarp is that while it is quicker than killing the raiders, if we wanted to coverslide with the power armor that is on the roof, it would sort of defeat the purpose having to run through the mueseum again.

If we coverslide from the MoF to Greenetech, then we discover Lexington or Corvega during the slide which is good as there is a bobblehead on the top of Corvega. The thing is that we would like to get the destroyer's leg piece ASAP since there's a lot of running involved in this category. So we could go to Goodneighbour immediately after the Greenetech slide and get all of the stuff we need. We should be sure to discover Mass Fusion while we're running, as there is a bobblehead inside that we can get later. Once we have the leg piece, fatman, and any other goodies, we could fast travel to Lexington/Corvega and run up and grab the bobblehead. We're going to be shot at a lot so once we grab the bobblehead it wouldn't be easy to fast travel out and we should probably loadwarp. We could setup a sewer save where we normally loadwarp after the coverslide to Greenetech for this purpose, or if we did the mole rat den thing then we could just loadwarp there.

We could then fast travel to Mass Fusion (should have mentioned, whenever we menu with the pipboy we should level up Action Boy and Solar Powered, I think we would just be getting level three around the time we go to Mass Fusion). At Mass Fusion, we can box climb up the elevator shaft a few floors and get out on the highest floor of the lower level. There's a bobblehead on the head of a statue on this floor. After grabbing it, we can loadwarp out and fast travel to the Old Corner Bookstore.

We can then run to Pickman's Gallery and once we discover it, either fast travel to Greenetech (if there are no enemies nearby) or loadwarp and fast travel to Greenetech. We do this so we can get the power armor and do some power armor clips. Inside of Pickman's Gallery, we can power armor clip through the wall directly to the right and drop down to the basement. There we should kill the raider in the first room and enter the hallway that is a dead end that has a giant crack in the wall. We can kill the three raiders in the room through the crack and then power armor clip through the wall with the crack. The bobblehead is laying on the ground and then we can loadwarp out.

We can then fast travel to Goodneighbour and get out of the power armor and run to Park Street Station. There we can do the normal PSS route to get to Nick's room and grab the bobblehead (this would require two pipe pistols that we can either get from raiders at the MoF or from Daisy if she has them). We can then loadwarp out and fast travel back to PSS. From there we can just run to Trinity Towers and run through it, taking elevators to the top, and sprinting past everyone. At the very top, we can run around the outside of the cage and grab the bobblehead through a gap between the bars.

If we loadwarp out again, we can fast travel to PSS again (maybe Trinity Tower, not sure which would be faster) and run to the Boston Public Library. Unless we have the lockpick skill leveled up a bit, we have to enter through the subway place. We can just run past everyone if that's the case and then enter the library. There we can run to the room with the turrets and do the mini nuke dupe glitch we use in the DLC runs. We can use one mini nuke and shoot the wall on the left side of all the robots to kill most of them and make the room safe to run across. Grab the mini nuke from storage and run to the server room and loadwarp out after grabbing the bobblehead. Alternatively we can come back to this place later once we level up lockpick because then we don't have to run past and super mutants and the turret room is next to the entrance.

That's pretty much all I have right now but I feel its a nice little starting point to build off of. I just want to make note of this now, but one bobblehead is inside of Parson's State Insane Asylum. In order to get into there, you HAVE to progress the Cabot House questline. I'm not sure how long this would take but I think it could be lengthy. Once inside of Parson's, I'm sure there are a few clips we could do to reach the bobblehead a little quicker but I am unsure. It's a really large facility and I think the entrance to the basement is on the opposite side of the entrance. Another thing to note is that another bobblehead is in Dunwich Borers which is loaded with raiders and ghouls. I think this one might also be able to be shortened with clips but it is a very easy place to die at.

I'm wrapping up my spring semester within the next couple weeks and will have a lot more time to help route this since I'll be on summer break. I should also note now that these notes in no way should be taken as what the route should be as there are probably more efficient ways to get from some of these places than just running (e.g. maybe discovering locations across the map from each other and sliding from one to the other, discovering bobblehead locations along the way).

thread: Fallout 4
United Statestomatoanus7 years ago

How to get full control of your character in Shattered (Kellogg's memories). This includes sprinting, pipboy, dropping weapons, firing weapons, etc.

Brongle likes this
thread: Fallout 4
United Statestomatoanus7 years ago

You are able to get into the Shattered quest area (Kellogg's memories) as a character who doesn't have the quest. This does not advance the quest at all and the quest does not go on while you're inside. The TV displays "Memory Lounger" and "Exit Memory" but when you press E, nothing happens. Requires Brongle's Power Armor inside Memories glitch.

Brongle likes this
thread: Fallout 4
United Statestomatoanus7 years ago

Forgot to include this in the setting up the game video, but here's a short little guide on making it so your game doesn't pause whenever you Alt+Tab:

Jinjenia likes this
thread: Fallout 4
United Statestomatoanus7 years ago

Nothing major

EDIT: After doing a couple dozen runs with this strat, I think that it is actually slower than the normal way. The cutscene of the atomic bomb exploding begins pretty much when Nora steps onto the platform. This method causes for Nora to begin the animation of running onto the platform from farther away and/or at a later time. Use the normal method instead of this one.

Jinjenia likes this
United Statestomatoanus7 years ago

Yeah I agree, start the timer as soon a second you select the very first city.

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