North Carolina, USATheMaster7 years ago

I'll let the video speak for itself. Good times.

North Carolina, USATheMaster8 years ago

Ever find it to be a bit convoluted to bind 12 different keys to vote for the next campaign in an All Campaigns run? I sure did! Who easily has 12 different keys available to bind, anyway? I don't have one of those fancy schmancy mice with a million buttons, so I sure didn't! Enter the handy single-key campaign voting cycler script! Condense those keys you have to annoyingly reach across your keyboard for (or for you million-button mice users move your thumb slightly for) into just a single, far more convenient key. Available now in Tools under the Resources section!

If you have any questions about this script or comments on it in general, feel free to ask away. We may still add interesting features if any are thought up.

North Carolina, USATheMaster8 years ago

We did this in practice the other night and I thought it may be entertaining to some of you. Not an easy thing to time, but hey, proof of concept!

mr.deagle and Crayons like this
North Carolina, USATheMaster8 years ago

Wanted to drop in and say hi. My friends and I are very familiar with L4D2 already but had never tried to speedrun it. We attended AGDQ 2016 and ran Alien Swarm as well as watched the L4D2 run there which inspired us to run it ourselves and we plan to submit for AGDQ 2017 assuming it is in a good location for us to attend again.

In the meantime, we have been brushing up on the tricks and working on placing in the leaderboard, aiming for the top.

First, how much time would you all estimate the older version of the game really saves over the newest? We have not reverted and are still very competitive, and have noticed the current top time is on the newest version, so for right now it doesn't seem likely we will go through the trouble of reverting but I am curious as to how much faster it can potentially be.

Second, does anybody have tips on getting the molotov/pipe bomb throwable boost? We have biles down very consistently since they are easy, but molotovs/pipes are giving us a lot of trouble and we just can't seem to get them working consistently.

Besides that, are there any tricks, even if they are difficult, that aren't showcased in the current co-op WR shown that we should take a look at? So far that has mostly been my reference but I would like to look at any other good sources for more if they exist.

Thanks for reading and answering! We'll see you guys at the top.

North Carolina, USATheMaster8 years ago

I keep forgetting to get this on here but long ago Deagle had created a simulator that approximates the wire hacks in-game as closely as he could for practice when we used to run. I've used it lately to warm up before running Deima to help me not throw away good RNG. It features presets for the various grid layouts in-game as well as custom settings able to create gigantic boards for fun. It also tracks your fastest hack for that session and average time.

I just did 20 tries each of these two presets, try to beat them!

Rydberg Reactor - 4.622 best, 7.518 average

Deima 1 - 2.625 best, 4.159 average

North Carolina, USATheMaster8 years ago

It's done guys, deagle and I are running Alien Swarm at AGDQ 2016!! Needless to say we are returning to this game now posthaste to practice our deathless path, finding what interesting and safe things we can improve on before the event, and will very likely improve at least the current co-op full game WR.

The schedule isn't up yet, I'll post again once I know our time slot. Fingers crossed it isn't early in the morning...

North Carolina, USATheMaster8 years ago

Hey guys, I will be hopefully submitting to this game soonish.

I noticed in the current 1h24m run that it is badly abusing quickloading, and the loading screens from those loads are removed. Should that really be allowed? It isn't real time anymore, anybody could get an amazing run eventually if they are allowed to essentially splice the best parts of each level together. I really, really don't like that and I am not running with quickload abuse.

It is acceptable, I think, if you have to absorb the full loading time, but cutting it like that seems a bit ridiculous. Honestly I would prefer if the category didn't allow quicksaving at all, but at the least if you do allow it keep it to real-time instead of splicing.

North Carolina, USATheMaster8 years ago

So, trying Cargo tonight I lost a few very clean runs frustratingly to the mortar bug that can appear on the exit platform at the bottom of the elevator as it seems the OOB is impossible with it there. What's up with that spawn? After some experimenting I have some findings I think, but I am really hoping there is an easier way to deal with this spawn that I just don't know. The WR video seems to show the mortar not spawned at all.

After experimenting, it seems that starting to play the map on easy, calling a restart, and switching difficulty to brutal causes it to not spawn for that one try. This was successful for a few godmode tests in a row. The problem is to reliably reset that I would need to start easy, reset, and switch it to brutal ¤every¤ run, and I really, really do not want to grind that out.

So, is there some trick I am not aware of besides this method? Please tell me there is...

North Carolina, USATheMaster8 years ago

I will probably have a solo to submit soon so I just wanted to confirm the precise points you used to cut frames at to remove loading for a full-game run. From the looks of it, you cut the first loading screen frame after that dot on the map moves to the next area, and to the very first frame as it fades in to the next map's lobby? I will have to re-encode my OBS recording to cut it that closely unfortunately but it should go alright.

North Carolina, USATheMaster8 years ago

I had run this game five years ago with a team and am now returning to submit new runs and get some times recognized.

I still know one of the guys from that original team and we have watched the GDQ streams for the past couple of years. I keep thinking to myself while watching the runs, "man, it'd be amazing to be there with everybody running something", and then I realized... Alien Swarm! I asked the friend if he would be interested and he agreed. We are now practicing the game again to get times up with the aim to ultimately submit to the coming AGDQ or next summer's SGDQ. It's a crazy thought but I think we can get there.

ShadowDraft likes this
About TheMaster
8 years ago
21 days ago
Games run
Left 4 Dead 2
Left 4 Dead 2
Last run 6 years ago
Alien Swarm
Alien Swarm
Last run 7 years ago
Serious Sam: The First Encounter
Left 4 Dead 2 Category Extensions
Serious Sam Classics: Revolution
Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead
Last run 7 years ago
Left 4 Dead 2 Custom Campaigns
Left 4 Dead 2 Custom Campaigns
Last run 6 years ago
Games followed
Alien Swarm
Alien Swarm
Last visit 2 years ago
Left 4 Dead Category Extensions
Left 4 Dead Category Extensions
Last visit 2 years ago
Left 4 Dead 2
Left 4 Dead 2
Last visit 7 months ago
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead
Last visit 1 year ago
Left 4 Dead 2 Category Extensions
Left 4 Dead 2 Custom Campaigns
Left 4 Dead 2 Custom Campaigns
Last visit 1 year ago
Games moderated
Left 4 Dead 2
Left 4 Dead 2
Last action 4 years ago
Left 4 Dead 2 Category Extensions
Left 4 Dead 2 Category Extensions
Last action 5 years ago
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead
Last action 6 years ago
Left 4 Dead 2 Custom Campaigns
Left 4 Dead 2 Custom Campaigns
Last action 4 years ago