thread: Fallout 4
NorwayJinjenia6 years ago

An original Havrd strat that couldve saved a few seconds compared to old strats with box climb in Greenetech. Nobody ever did it because it's super inconsistent.

Punchwarp to Advanced Systems door. Old video from like the same day punchwarping was discovered.

Punchwarp for RailroadHQ. Really ez, set up punchwarp anywhere as long as it puts you OOB so that you coc. Barily saved any time so not a viable strat with limited mines.

Clipping with VATS. Kind of like a punchwarp setup, though only the path to the mine is blocked, you'll still end up inbounds in a legit position after attacking, so it kind of just teleports you right away. This has been the only place I've found a way to do it (haven't really looked to be fair). Kinda neat concept I guess.

Classic FO4 being broken. Various ways to break the teleporter stuff with workshop.

Not even a strat, just a different way to setup a coverslide. No point in doing this at all.

Video explains it well enough. TLDW, aim out of cover in fadeout after entering door. It will lock the coordinates and youll slide towards it after loading in new area. Incredibly inconsistent.

Have a slide active, open up map, ft somewhere, then load autosave from taking down pipboy. Beautiful FO4 magic. Some more stuff that broke it even more that I can't remember right now.

Multiple ways to save time on the jetjump, but since people are scared to do hard strats nobody does it.

Pretty swag strat to get to 2nd floor from the beginning of MoF. Obviously very hard, and doesn't really save a big amount of time.

Another way to clip in Fort Hagen.

Super stupid strat for 2nd Virgil talk. Saves a few frames on the Virgil spawn I got in the video, can save a tiny bit more if you get the terminal spawn. If you get the cooking/"downstairs" spawn it will most likely lose time. Super stupid strat to do so obviously not worth it.

Opening and closing this door will trigger Prestons default line "Lets do this general". Open/close it 1 time and he says the line 1 time, do it 2 times and he says it 2 times etc. Probably some bad scripting in the quest I'd imagine.

Attack a mine on the same frame the world unloads and the elevator cell loads. Lands you oob but you coc really quickly. Makes pipboy a bit broken. No further effects and everythings OK again after you exit the pipboy.

No video for this one, but if you open pipboy at the same time as the elevator in Fort Hagen unloads and Fort Hagen loads, you can kinda just walk around with the pipboy on the screen. Only happened 1 time by accident but havent been able to reproduce.

thread: Fallout 4
NorwayJinjenia6 years ago

Skips exiting terminal animation. Only place it really saves time is in V111, in Fort Hagen you can make a QS in the animation, and in Institute you're on a timer. Just spam MB1 when exiting the terminal and it skips it.

Not really a strat, but is neat to optimally time your ft to Virgils Cave after decoding. Trying to remember to post my irrelevant stuff to this forum.

thread: Fallout 4
NorwayJinjenia6 years ago

There isn't a downpatcher yet. However, there is a backup of 1.1.30 game files (!sQ5kUJjJ!p7uFSXDpyMxha31xEuAaEw ). With this, just drag and drop the files into your game directory and replace the files. TBH don't need any more downpatchers when we have these backup files.

NorwayJinjenia6 years ago

Thats probably because youve reached the vorder of the map. Often you can get stuck if you fly really fast into the border.

thread: Fallout 4
NorwayJinjenia6 years ago

You CANNOT use the patch for 1.9.4, or any other version its not listen for. Some versions might work, but its not reccomended as it will break your game most likely. I know for sure that the 1.9.4 downpatcher doesnt work on 1.10 because the creation club was added in 1.10 which added a lot of new files. This is a download for replacing uppatched files with 1.1 files, so its a bit larger than the downpatcher. This is the best solution there is at the moment. You could use steamdb to download the "entire" fallout 4 game at 1.1.30 through steam but im sure you dont want to re download the entire game. This should just be a matter of downloading the files and drag and drop. It says its updated as of 1.10.2 but it will most likely work since it has all the commonly changed game files. Try this, if it doesnt work, drop by the discord channel (you can find it in recourses and let us know) Backup files:!sQ5kUJjJ!p7uFSXDpyMxha31xEuAaEw!JchSTLSa

thread: Fallout 4
NorwayJinjenia6 years ago

Make sure you drop the prototype (this gives the Tradecraft quest), then make sure to leave the switchboard and not just load warp out. One of the quest stages that is necessary to complete is leaving the switchboard, which requires you to actually leave the switchboard through the door you entered in. If you don't do that, talking with Deacon wont progress anything.

thread: Fallout 4
NorwayJinjenia6 years ago

MoF: Make sure to grab atleast 1 pipe pistol outside MoF. When dropping the pistol just enter pipboy with I or your assigned inventory key and press down atleast 1 time (depending on what items you pick up, usually spamming down works fineas pipe pistols are usually at the bottom at this stage).

Mass Fusion: Existing strat is pretty solid. Might be slightly faster with a punchwarp but I can't look more into it at the moment.

Atom Cats: Can't really change much, still grab it in the garage as always.

Poseidon: Have your reticle somewhat where mine is for the first setup. Have your reticle pretty close to where mine is for the second, it is quite precise.

FMS: Can't change it too much, item climb as usual.

Spectacle: Can't change much, swim as fast as possible.

Gunners Plaza: Set up with either one of the 2 setup methods I showed. Deploy immediately when you enter Gunners Plaza.

Vault 95: Just ignore where I am before I punchwarp, the coc point is weird. Deploy the punchwarp immediately after you load in the V95 map after the elevator.

Corvega: Outdoors map, can't change much for now.

Vault 81: Hold W and turn slightly to the right so youre moving towards the center of the elevator. Keep holding W until you coc for the 2nd time. After this, just go down with the elevator, talk to curie and get the Bobblehead.

Fort Hagen: Use the same setup as for Gunners Plaza. Nevermind where I am in Fort Hagen before punchwarping, the coc point is weird.

Pickmans Gallery: Deploy on raiders to save mines. Have decently high HP, and don't move at all when falling.

Vault 114: Do what we do in Any%, but don't talk with Nick (we don't need him for the run at all, he might start talking, just ignore him) just grab the bobblehead and leave.

Trinity: There is a slide from top of Mass Fusion to Trinity tower but it still needs a lot more work.

Library: Such a short distance to run indoors it's just gonna even out with a punchwarp.

Vault 75: Use my setup very precisely. The clip isnt that hard, i promise.

Saugus Ironworks: The gun posistioning is key in doing this consistently. Basically you HGC clockwise ontop the blue hut, then jump under the room with the door and upwarp. Pretty easy.

Dunwich Borers: The hitbox in the ceiling is really weird, so the invisible hole you almost land in is the closest one. Move a little right either when falling or after landing. Make sure to have freefall legs (I used godmode) or else you're gonna die.

Longneck Lukowskis: Try to keep on the left side of the pillar. Being on the right has a small chance of getting stuck between walls incase you clip sideways.

Parsons: Still slow as usual. Short run indoors, wouldn't pay off with a punchwarp.

NoobSalmon likes this
thread: Fallout 4
NorwayJinjenia6 years ago

a ton of strats thats not posted here (not chronological order, not all of them are used)

shoutouts to Brongle and Tomatoanus for their strats and videos ;)

Brongle likes this
NorwayJinjenia6 years ago

Shouldnt be a problem in retiming that footage, although it was low framerate, it wasnt so low that it makes his time wildly inaccurate (the youtube stats thing said it was around 15 fps, which should be doable for a small speedgame like this). Just from viewing it in the youtube player it looks to be about a 3:05, so just retime it and accept it. Nobody can really call cheating unless adequate proof is found, and that footage looked real enough for me.

thread: Fallout 4
NorwayJinjenia7 years ago

Coversliding was patched early on, atleast for the PC. If I'm not mistaken then I think it was for console too. I don't really know much about what patches the console runs are done on and if they downpatch or whatnot. You can join our discord channel for that and ask there if you havent already. Fallout discord: Fallout 4 console discord:

thread: Fallout 4
NorwayJinjenia7 years ago

As long as its only the load screens that are black, and not any of the gameplay. Video quality doesnt matter that much. As long as we can see whats going on then its fine. The glitchless and console categories arent very active at the moment, but you never know if anyone else is gonna join in. The console glitched category has been the most active out of the two, so I would reccomend having a look at that aswell, and IMO glitched runs are more fun.

thread: Fallout 4
NorwayJinjenia7 years ago

Forgot to mention it in the last post, but here are some details on how many pistols and other items we need for the run.

Pistols/items: MoF: 0, you can use one but it requires load warping which is slow Atom Cats: 0 Poseidon: 1 pistol, 1 other item. The first can be done with another item. Shipwreck: 1 other item Spectacle: 0 Gunners Plaza: 1 Pistol Vault 95: 0 Pickman: 1 pistol Mass Fusion: 0 PSS: 2 Pistols Trinity: 0 Library: 0 Vault 81: 2 pistols, or 3 for dumb strat Fort Hagen: 1 pistol Corvega: 1 other item Vault 75: 1 pistol Sagus: 0 Dunwich: 1 pistol Longneck: 0 Parsons: 1 pistol


thread: Fallout 4
NorwayJinjenia7 years ago

Ok so this is what I've found so far today:

How to do Pickmans Gallery without Power Armor and only 1 pistol clip.

How to do Vault 81 without Power Armor, and probably faster than with PA aswell. You need 1 Jet and 2 (if you talk to Curie) or 3 (clipping into Curie's room like in the video) Doing the last clip into Curie's room saves a miniscule amount of time, so in order to use less pistols it's best to just talk to Curie, which is also much easier than the clip.

How to do Fort Hagen with only one clip, and like 15 seconds faster.

I didnt really discover this, but you can very easily get the Freefall Legs in Mass Fusion (I timed it to take about 25-35 seconds) in addition to taking the bobblehead. The benefits of this is many of the areas where you get bobbleheads are easier, and you dont need as many stimpaks (which I suspect we need a lot of), like in Dunwich. Also after Corvega, Trinity Tower and others you can just jump down which should make you able to start running to the next area instead of fast traveling or load warping. Mass Fusion when getting bobblehead and the freefall legs. Im sure most of you know how to do it, but I had to time it so might aswell record it.

Basically the part between the elevators where you can item climb instead of going through the maze of hallways, doors and super mutants. Probably a bit faster aswell

I dont have video for this, but it's the easiest thing in the world. Basically, we dont need to do lockpicking in this run, which saves a bunch of levelling crap. Instead, we start out the run with 10 Agility, 10 Endurance, 4 Charisma. We can also get the SPECIAL book in Sanctuary but none of the speech options are that hard so 4 should be good enough. So basically we talk to the speaker panel instead of lockpicking the door. We also have to do a pistol clip for the quests with the Parsons State Insane Asylum, which will be covered in a video below.

So this was kind of a long video, but I go in detail of how to get the bobblehead in Parson State Insane Asylum. Basically skipping a lot of dialogue, some stuff about speech options and clipping in the Amfitheatre.

thread: Fallout 4
NorwayJinjenia7 years ago

Without knowing how the individual strats for the bobbleheads are gonna work out, this is the route I came up with, basically we get MoF bobblehead first since we need PA to slide to greentech, then we go straight to shopping (the destroyers leg, probably need a ton of pistols, buffout, quantum etc.) then we go straight south-southeast to get the Endurance and Agility bobbleheads for good AP. I tried to use as little fast traveling as possible, so I got the route down to about 4 "lines" of running.

NorwayJinjenia7 years ago

Im sure its not a problem, so I'll set it up now for now.

thread: Fallout 4
NorwayJinjenia7 years ago

LSD Glitch Setup: When in the final room in the memories, spam E to activate som lines on Kellogg and Courser changing between them rapidly, soon your colors you start to get very cool and when youre happy with the colors you can load warp to whatever place you want and enjoy the colors. Outcome: Nice colors ;)

Jetless Special Institute Jump Setup: Clip through the roof above the pipes (old setup for Any% before we started using the chair), run towards the corner of the roof beam before spamming jump, if done right you will hit a trigger to spawn you inside some wall directly below you, and spamming jump will make you fall out into the void and you position yourself under the room as shown in the video. Outcome: Pretty much "maybe" faster Institute jump, though this is very hard and only saves time with perfect pistol clip and 1st try jump.

Confused Magnolia Setup: Do the dialogues that you gotta do to take Magnolia out, after you pressed the final dialogue you steal, shoot or do whatever that can make Magnolia and other NPC's hostile. Outcome: Even though you are enemies with Magnolia now you still go out with magnolia, but she is a bit angry at you afterwards.

Broken Vault Elevator Setup: Set up coverslide at a place that has a clear path out of the elevator, walk into the elevator and hit the coverslide just before you normally stop moving. Outcome: Youre stuck at the place where you set up your coverslide, and you screen will fade to black but you wont load out of the vault because you havent been brought into the load zone by the elevator. Making a save and loading it from main menu can remove the black screen but youre still stuck in place.

tomatoanus likes this
thread: Fallout 4
NorwayJinjenia7 years ago

Double menu Setup: Talk to a vendor, and at the same time that the shopping window appears you should press on "Transfer" on a container or something. Outcome: You have two menus on the screen, only one of them "works" though.

Chair you cant sit in. Basically Bethesda didn't want you to sit in this chair

Infinite drinking Nate Setup: Sit in a chair near water and QS, drink, then QL really fast. Outcome: You drink forever.

thread: Fallout 4
NorwayJinjenia7 years ago

So I've found some glitches that isn't that useful for the speedrun, but I still think should archived on the forum.

Stool glitch: Setup: This is done by pressing a movement key (WASD) and V really close together, one of them first (I forgot). It can be done on any chair Outcome: You are unable to move, can only move view horizontally. If you go into 3rd person view, you are able to sprint, but only sprint and in a straight line only.

Perk glitch: Setup: On the perks screen, press R (accept) then T (reset perks) really fast. Outcome: The perks screen disappears as if you accepted the perks, but you get the popup as if you were resetting the perks. Pressing any of the popup options crashes the game. This can also be done when leaving Vault 111.

Pip-boy in the memory lounger: (No video) Setup: Sit down in the memory lounger, after Doctor Amari starts talking, make a quicksave and load warp to somewhere. Outcome: (Still unsure) You will still be in the memory lounger, but be able to open the Pip-Boy, equip stuff, do drugs, but not fast travel away sadly. If you're extra handy with the pip boy you can be able to kinda stand upright inside the memory lounger, though still stuck.

Entering memories: Setup: This requires to do the Pip-Boy glitch above, but rest of setup is unsure. This could be big if anything more is found. This has only been done once. Outcome: Video sums it up pretty much, but the general thing is that I was able to move for about a half second before getting teleported to the memories.

Door + Power Armor: Setup: Place yourself between the power armor and the door, press the door first and quickly before the loading screen appears turn around and start the enter power armor animation. Outcome: You spawn out of bounds, fall down and gets reset to the coc. You can't move. It's really easy to cancel, so nothing big most likely.

Enter fusion core skip: Setup: Explained as close as I can in the video. Outcome: Skip entering the fusion core to the Power Armor, saving a few seconds. This is actually something that is viable in a speedrun, but is incredibly hard/unlikely to pull off, especially without spending time to set up properly.

Chair clip + Fat Man and Minutemen Outfit (Credit to Tomatoanus for finding this) Setup: Equip the Fat Man and the Minutemen Outfit, and do the chair clip as usual. Outcome: You will be pushed backwards and without being able to control it you will be pushed off the ledge and fall to your death.

This is all I could find at this point, if you have any more fancy glitches, post them here, they might be the next big skip :D

thread: Fallout 4
NorwayJinjenia7 years ago

No need to get angry and rude Asylix. The reason why this is a bigger deal than you might think, is because Bubbles and BT are #1 and #2, both have been record holder and have ran this game for a long time. Their opinions should be treated with respect.

Now, we seem to be on two different pages here BT. You're comparing it to this other game, and I don't really see how the situations compare. On this game we have 8 minutes of something near impossible to fuck up. On your game, you say it's the same as starting the run AFTER you have gotten something which is very RNG heavy. I've seen many people's arguments against this is that we're doing it because it's easier. It's not. You know very well that it's very easy to complete at a solid time 10/10 times, whereas your game here "has a 1-52 chance of spawning per reload, every reload costing roughly 30 seconds." That is a long shot away from what we're trying to do.

Onto you posting quotes from me and Havrd. I like doing this, it's a hobby. On the other hand I wan't to get a competetive time, I believe this is the key element of speedrunning. I do this because it's fun, and because it's friendly competition. I can compare it to playing a sport. Most people probably play this to have fun, but in order to have fun doing it, it has to be competetive. Seeing as there aren't any preset rules which apply to all speedruns, there isn't anything blocking us from doing this, other than individual people's thoughts on the case.

On a heads up, bubbles made it clear in the discord channel that the last vote is finished in midnight EST, which is in a few hours from now I believe. Your and Bubbles' views have been taken into consideration, but the vote about allowing this or not was heavily in favor of allowing it, you two couldn't have impacted it in any way. I'm sorry to see that we didn't let you know. To me and the others initiating this, it seemed clear that you and didn't care about this game anymore. I understand now that we should've let you know earlier, and I'm sorry for this.

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Fallout 4
Fallout 4
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Kirby: The Unofficial Game
Kirby: The Unofficial Game
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Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout: New Vegas
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You Have 10 Seconds
You Have 10 Seconds
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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
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House of Caravan
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Escape: The Bathroom
Escape: The Bathroom
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The Legend of Zelda: Link's Backyard
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Fallout: New Vegas
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Kirby: The Unofficial Game
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