Skips and timesavers
8 years ago

sry, saw it too late :S But yeah, i knew the final 3 enemies are there when you arrive xD But i'm testing some stuff down there atm to maybe jump behind the vault door, or even stay oob till we hit the vault 114 door. Now that there arent any enemies, i can even test in piece :D


Hi ! I'm playing Fallout 4 casually a the moment and i found out something that could be usefull for you guys : you can skip the Power armor landing animation by simply "unzooming" the camera at the moment of your land. By unzooming, I mean getting from 1st person to 3rd. This trick works with my steam's updated version of Fallout 4, so i guess it should work with any other version. I made a really short video showing the difference by jumping from the prydwen.

Sorry if this post is in the wrong place, I basically create my account to post this message (but maybe in the futur i'll try to speedrun the game)


We already know that you can mash jump upon landing in 3rd person to skip that animation, but an interesting find nonetheless :P


So I saw that NegaPhil was trying to find a consistent Jet-less cover slide to greenetech, this one isnt perfect, and may not even be consistent on other systems. But I thought I would post it any way just in case it did help.


That's stupid, random, probably hardware dependant. But that's a thing.

You need to sprint and mash quicksave before hitting the wall. Only manage to do it here for the moment. Not sure if there any other places where it would be useful. You need either a corner or a very flat wall to do that.

Maybe there could be a way to make it easier with object, skyrim like, but for the moment, it wasn't efficient for me.

You will tell me if it's working only for me or not.

Ontario, Canada

I managed to get it to work but it feels really hardware dependent. I'm getting it really consistent too.


I found out that with jet we can skip getting the password and opening the doors in the institute.

Can also be done without jet

I have now confirmed that it does NOT softlock the game and is safe.

JshaKhajiit нравится это

Ive found like a 3 minute time save during the Valentine split. Basically you speak with Nick again after the usual 'knight in shining armor' dialogue stuff, and his after killing kellogg dialogue will trigger. From here just load warp back out to virgil's cave and then FT to Goodneighbor and do the memory den quest.

Point to note, sometimes the game expects Piper to be there and the dialogue can't continue, so I'd recommend quicksaving before talking to him at all and loading that if it locks.


When does the game expect Piper to be where exactly? I thought that only was the case for DC, we are going to virgils.

Or are you saying that the game things you are supposed to be with piper at goodneighbour?


video of how the skip is supposed to look, with several attempts and what happens if you loadwarp out of the conversation.

So i did everything from scratch, started at the start, followed the route from yesterday. Then i made a hard save at Virgils, i did this so that i could test all the different outcomes of what sequence i did the quests in. If you kill kellogg first, then enter V114 and stop Nick's dialogue by going far away from him while he is in the "knight in shining armour" dialogue. When you enter his room again, he will ask you what happened to your son two times. The second time the dialogue works like in the video. The dialogue skip will not work if you get the "we got to get out of here in three minutes" dialogue, the game softlocks if you get it. Important to kill Dino fast so he doesnt have the time to do the dialogue, i kill him with the minigun. The only problem with doing the dialogue in V114 is that i cannot skip his dialogue, my suspision is that because piper is not there, nick is very confused and keeps looking at a someone that is not in the room. We cannot even loadwarp out of this conversation, that just softlocks the game, we have to listen to all the conversation, then loadwarp. I might just be stupid and have a dialogue option on or something, or it might have something to do with being in first-person, i honestly don't know. Nick should be waiting in the memory den. Even with this, it should be way faster than the normal strats. I tried many, many, many times and i always got the same result, just walk away from him the moment you enter his room, he wants to finish his "shining armour" dialogue, but when we are to far away from him it gets canceled. Really easy to do consistantly.

I tested with going further in the game from this point to see if the game achnowledged what i just did. I went to the memories, virgil and beyond. All the quests work like they should.

I have now tested without going to DC, it does not work. I have a fresh file, another one than my first one, i made many safety saves while doing kellogg and PSS, tested on all of them. Nick really needs to get interupted by Piper in this conversation, and when we have not opened the gates in DC he does not get farther than "where's your son, what happened", while in the game i had DC he seems to be interupted by Piper (although she is not there) and responds to her with "synths are like that" or something of that sort.

I even tested with going to DC after killing Kellogg, the same softlock occurs.


So, I've been away for a while, but in my absence I've been testing the 114 skips more. In order to be able to skip Nick's dialogue, you must go to Nick straight after killing Kellogg, if you do the pickpocket in between the dialogue is non-skippable. Doing it this way, you can still kill Dino fast and there is no problem. I would still recommend quicksaving before talking to Nick just in case but it normally works within 1 or 2 tries at talking to him. Something to note once you have load-warped after this conversation and gone to the memory den, Nick will sometimes think he is still in 114 I would quicksave after the Amari dialogue and then talk to Nick before he needs to do any actions (sit in the chair to have the chip implanted, or sit in the Memory Chair), if he doesnt at least sit in the Memory chair after talking to him a few times, load the quicksave and try again. Unfortunately this is entirely RNG as far as I am aware.

Worked out how to get around Nick not doing as he's meant to I've created a new forum post call V114 skip and all the information is in there.


Figured out that you can actually do the institute skip with one jump really easily with the right timing and positioning. Saves landing on the side platform and doing the other jump. Probably 5-10 seconds.


This clip was used by havrd in his most recent run, I've tested it a lot and worked out a somewhat consistent method for it. Getting the correct distance to hold the pistol etc.

One thing not noted in the video is that you need to stand next to the second pole/pillar bit (the larger one in the middle) when picking back up the pistol (hopefully that makes sense when you watch the video). I tend to also hold 'D' as well as 'S' when clipping as the clipping point isn't in the corner, its slightly to the right. Hope you guys can also get this consistently using this method.


Faster and more consistant way of getting Valentines dialogue.

If you don't get the correct dialogue on the first few tries, try bumping into him. If it still doesn't work, quickload. This is more consistant because we don't have to listen to his first dialogue. You can also keep trying without him going out of the room (if he gets out of the room he softlocks).

It is also faster because we don't have to kill Dino and open the door.

Note that you will still have problems with getting the correct dialogue, but the timeloss is not big anymore, only about 2-3 seconds each time you try.

As for the sewer clip, i did not find it, J00lsn did :)


It looks like you need to be stood really close to him for it to work first time, something that i only noticed from you demonstrating this, but it seems to correlate with every run I've done. Good work Havrd


Does it also prevent him from thinking he needs to escape from 114 while in Memory Den??


Yeah, the distance doesn't seem to have anything to do with it. I have been testing this and other strats on my stream today, did this over 100 times. There is no real consistancy to the dialogue itself.

If you know of any Nuka Cola Quantum locations that are not listed here Please tell me.


Same softlock rules apply for the memory den


There's a Nuka Quantum that I know is in Park Street, just before V114 on the far right where the track stops cos of rubble. Daisy will also sell it occasionally.


Yeah i know of that one, and there is also one in the first house when you get to concord. Those are the only two i currently know about. There is also a random spawn one (kind of) on the way to Goodneighbour. But it doesn't seem to be worth it getting more than those two. IE, using the one you get in concord to replenish AP when running to Virgil and using the one in PSS for Tenpines.

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