Warp% Text Tutorial (Updated October 2017)
Warp% Text Tutorial (Updated October 2017)
Geüpdatet 6 years ago door Jinjenia

^^Making the saves^^

~You will need the following saves for the load warps:

  • A save outside the sewers.
  • A save outside MoF on the balcony.
  • A save in The Institute outside the door to Old Robotics. This save needs to have a mine (make sure to have it equipped aswell as a meele weapon).
  • A save in Old Robotics facing the same door from the previous save
  • A save outside Railroad HQ. The fastest door is the front door, but the one in the escape tunnel is easier.

You can also use Tomato's saves: https://www.speedrun.com/saves/Warp_Saves_0uja6.zip

~Changing the name of the saves.

Go into the directory for your Fallout 4 saves. This is usually Documents>My Games>Fallout 4>Saves. There you will find the saves you made earlier. You will notice that the saves has many numbers and letters in the name. This is used to seperate saves from different characters. Because of this, we can't load warp using these saves since load warping does not go across characters. This can be fixed however by changing the names and thus removing making the game think that the saves aren't assigned to a character. (The saves will still have the character name, but don't worry about it). You want to change the names to match where they're made, so for example "Sewers" and "MoF". Then you can load the game and do runs.

^^The route^^

Create a new game. When starting the run as normal, make a quicksave immediately upon recieving player control. Then load the load warp save for Sewer. Load warp into the sewer. Upon loading into the sewer, make a new quicksave (or use the autosave) and load to main menu. When the game finishes loading, quickly press continue. You can spam Enter/E during the load to continue quickly. Start swimming towards the trigger inside sewers (the same as in Any%). Once you're inside the trigger, make a quicksave and load warp using the MoF load warp save. https://i.imgur.com/cBxnL39.jpg

Once you're inside MoF, take your fists out and run to the front door (to the left). Running into this door activates a trigger that opens the door to the right. Leave through that door and run to the bridge, jump over to the duffle bag and grab the gun and ammo inside. Open up the inventory (pipboy will be invisible) and just press E/Enter once. The pipboy defaults to the Weapons tab, and the gun you picked up will be the only one in your inventory. The you kill the raiders in MoF in whatever pattern you prefer. The pattern used in Tomato's newest run is the fastest known route for the raiders. You may want to grab more .38 ammo on the dead raiders to get you through the rest of the run.

Once done with killing raiders, run up to the final room of MoF with the minutemen. Run up to Sturges, crouch and pickpocket his Institute Relay Targeting Sequence holotape. Then make a quicksave, load the Institute load warp save on the outside of Old Robotics. Set up a punchwarp in the corner to the left of the door (the same as in Any%), then load warp through the door. Upon loading in, exit the door immediately. Then run up the stairs to the right, and enter the Relay chip from Sturges into the terminal and load the data (just as in Any%). When preston starts talking, shoot him three times to skip his 3 lines. Spam through all of Prestons dialogue and take the Fusion Charge.

Make a quicksave, load the load warp save for Institute Reactor and load warp through the door. When loading in, run up to the wooden crate and grab the grenade inside. Open pipboy and equip the grenade and deploy the punchwarp using that. Then plant the charge. Make a quicksave, load the load warp save inside old robotics and load warp through it. Once loaded in, run up the stairs to the right and run into the relay room. Desdemona will then be teleported in. Spam E (or whatever your button for talking to people is) to skip her dialogue, then wait for the load to start.

When the load is over, make a quicksave, load the load warp save outside Railroad HQ and load warp through it. Run up to Tinker Tom, and talk to him. When he starts talking after you have said your "Alright Tom, fire it up" line, make a quicksave. Load the Institute load warp save inside Old Robotics and load warp through it. After loading in, run into the relay room and get teleported to Mass Fusion. Then press the detonator and wait for the glorious run to be finished.

Good luck on the runs :D